It’s all on you. Everything you’ve got is getting funneled into your blog. Unfortunately what you’ve got right now isn’t much. You need a graphic designer, a copywriter, an editor, a web designer, and you still need to be creating great content on a regular basis. Every time you turn around, you need “this” or […]
Top 10 Sites Where You Can Get Paid to Write
You have to have a website to make money online! That is one of the biggest myths about making money online. You don’t have to own your own website to be able to earn money online. There are so many ways that you can make money on the internet, that don’t require you owning a […]
Recession Proof – 10 Hot Careers [Infographic]
The US job market is tough. In fact, several of my friends who graduated with outstanding grades and prestigious degrees, are working $10/hr jobs at some random company. Strange, isn’t it? It seems as though the recession is going to stick around for a while. With the US economy at one of its lowest points, […]
Get Blogger’s Kit For Online Marketing
Turning your passion, your blog, into something truly profitable can be quite a challenge, even though you try to follow the best advice out there, but still profiting from blogging is really hard job, especially if you want to make a living from it. Once again, and by the help of the Nijna, Darren Rowse did it, […]
5 Tips for Restaurants to Turn Their Website Into a Valuable Asset
I am always amazed every time I go online to look up local restaurants only to find either no website at all or an extremely poorly designed one that gives no valuable information except perhaps a phone number and flash lit photographs of food that looks like slop. These are not the images one wants […]
Stop Learning How to Build Websites and Start Taking Action!
Learning how to build websites is a huge task and we often forget that most people study all of their lives to become something. Unfortunately it is impossible to learn how to do Internet marketing and build websites at school or in university. Let’s think about this; why would a successful Internet marketer choose to […]