Stop Learning How to Build Websites and Start Taking Action!

Learning how to build websites is a huge task and we often forget that most people study all of their lives to become something. Unfortunately it is impossible to learn how to do Internet marketing and build websites at school or in university. Let’s think about this; why would a successful Internet marketer choose to teach and get a measly teachers wage? Why would they give up their free lifestyle to go back to stress and time restrictions? Not too many I am sure! So the learning process has landed on your shoulders.
Most people that are building websites to earn money are trying to cram all the learning into a short period of time only to find that there is just so much to learn. This is when information overload comes into the picture and clouds our ability to take real action.
You are probably wondering why I am telling you to stop learning how to build websites and take action. Most people would probably tell you to take your time but I will not. I do not mean for you to jump ahead of your learning abilities, but I want you to take action with everything you learn. It is because I believe that you can learn how to build websites and take action at the same time. You do not need to sit and learn because taking action is the only way you are going to succeed.
It is time to move to the next step and take ACTION! Get off your butt, do the tango, and get your hands dirty!
Stop learning how to build websites and take action!
Here are a a few tips on how you can learn and build websites at the same time.
- As soon as you know how to upload a website to a server, take action and do it. Do not wait to learn other things.
- Follow your gut feeling as it is usually right.
- Be committed and achieve something on your website every day. Write yourself a contract and stick to it.
- Stick to blog time management tips to keep yourself in check.
How to Build Websites – Let’s Do it!
- Choose a topic for your website by doing keyword research.
- Buy a domain name and Web hosting and upload WordPress to your server. (I am a WordPress fan)
- Customize your website theme and settings such as permalinks.
- Add some content to your website, preferably original content. Link each page to another within the website from the beginning.
- Follow “on page” SEO techniques. This is very important because it will tell the search engines what your content is about.
- Make outside promotion pages for the website. For example make a Twitter page, Facebook page, Hub page, Squiddo page, and so on.
- Start building links and promoting your content. Make sure you are clear on what keywords you want pointing to your website. This is a precise art.
I like to make a back linking plan and follow that. Here are some back linking tactics that I use. Always start with the information that you know, and if something comes along later you can use it and add to it. You should set up a back linking plan and stick to it and do not go out looking for other opportunities because you think the “grass is greener” on the other side.
Stop learning how to build websites
People think that building websites is harder than it is. If you just stop learning and only focus on the things that make you take action you will be living the life you want. To do this you need to distinguish between actions that are going to get you somewhere and actions that are wasting your time. It’s not all about making money, but building something that will in the long run, hopefully pay you back.
When you are doing a task to do with building websites, you should ask yourself a few questions:
Is what I am learning here going to benefit my business?
Do I need to be learning this now?
Is this going to help me take action?
If you answer NO to any of the questions above then you should move on to another task. I’m not saying the issue is to stop learning, because learning is great! But you really shouldn’t be just learning and that’s all. In this website building business you need to be a multi-tasker. You need to learn and take action at the same time!
Stop buying products that teach you how to build websites
Many people that I run into, have bought many Internet marketing products, hoping to find the right one to push them into action. Let me tell you that you do not need any Internet marketing products to get you to take action. You simply just need to step out and do it!
Step in front of that train, jump off that cliff, and take action!
I am totally against buying packages to learn how to do this building website business. I am not against buying tools to help you get closer to your goal though. I definitely could not be making the money I am right now, without my toolbox of goodies.
Once you have seen a few Internet marketing products on how to build websites you will realize that they are really saying the same thing. Even though their headlines say something different, the actual formula is the same. For example George Brown’s Google Sniper product is simply a product that shows you how to build many websites that sell affiliate products. It is called Google sniper, because it is supposedly stealing traffic from Google by doing search engine optimization. There are no tricks involved here, as it is just how we’re all doing it.
So what should I be doing?
If you want to build a WordPress website that will make you money and keep growing as a business, you need to keep working on it every day. At the end of the day you should ask yourself “What did I achieve today?’ If you can list a few things that you actually did today that is going to make a difference, then you will do very well in this business. Taking action does not just apply to building websites, as you will soon realize that it applies to your entire life.
Here is a free report for you to download on how to build a WordPress website from scratch. Make sure you grab this report as it is well worth a read.
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