Where to Get Software, Free!

If you’ve been paying for software programs because you use Windows or Mac computers, then it’s time to cut your pocketbook free. You have a better alternative: open source software programs. Open source programs conform to the principals of the Open Source Initiative.
The programs are not created by hackers who are after your personal financial information. The source codes do not contain viruses, malware, or spyware. The only thing you lose by downloading free software is the cost of expensive commercial programs. Where can you find such amazing products? Try the following sources.
Lifehacker Rates and Hacks Free Software
Every year Lifehacker puts out an article entitled, “50 Apps We’re Thankful For” On a weekly basis, you can find a list of five apps that top Lifehacker’s recommendation list for a given category. The website has been writing about hacking software — or modifying source codes — since 2005. Not only does it give you information on free software, but it also provides tips on how to use programs on various platforms.
BitTorrent Points to Popular Programs
If an open source program gains traction on a peer-to-peer network, then you can bet it has some pretty awesome features packed into it. Check out the most downloaded programs for the day and then search the Internet for the developer’s websites. Don’t skip the search. It can be the difference between getting a clean copy of an open source program or a hacked copy with a virus.
SourceForge Hosts Over 260,000 Free Projects
SourceForge is a platform for the development and distribution of open source products. Over 2.7 million developers use its tools. They have developed over 260,000 projects, all of which are free. Check out the website’s directory to find the free software you need to complete your next project.
Social Networks Give You Inside Information
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are all places where you can digitally stalk your favorite software gurus. If you want to know the best location to find free software, keep tabs on the developers who are creating open source programs. The community usually shares news and updates for programs. Stay on the cutting edge of free software with social networking.
AlternativeTo.Net Compares Programs
Do you want a free alternative to a commercial project? Head over to a website like AlternativeTo.net. You can type in a program, and the search directory will return a list of programs that offer similar features. You can also search the website by selecting an operating system or using the tab options, such as “New and Popular” and “Most Likes”.
Google Lists Thousands of Programs
Don’t waste time looking for free software on a search engine. This will pull up too much junk. Instead, narrow your search to open source programs. If you have a need for specific program, add that information to your search. For example, if you want a free photo-editing program, search for “open source photo editor”.
Happy Searching!
The Internet is full of free software programs. Don’t fall into the trap of downloading just any software program. Stick to open source packages that will deliver clean code and feature-rich user interfaces.
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