Pronounce the Best Selling Affiliate Products – Blogging Contest

Hi everyone, I am so excited to pronounce our coming blogging contest, which will be toward affiliate marketing as you can see from its name “Best Selling Affiliate Products”. The goal of this post is to pronounce the contest and give you heads up about what’s going on these days.
Man, I thought I will not do another contest any time soon, but what to do? I couldn’t fight it!
The Best Selling Affiliate Products contest is brought to you by and
[box type=”yellow”]This contest is brought to you by and and[/box]
So, if you are into affiliate marketing, I am sure that you’ve already found this magical product that makes you money, this contest is about your best selling affiliate products, so all what you have to do is to write a high quality review for this particular product, and enter the contest. We will publish your review on our blog, then you will push it to the max to get as much as interactions and social sharing for it, this is how we will decide the winners. (more about this coming in the official contest page).
I hope you understand that we are talking here about blogging, educational courses, guides, ebooks, Internet Marketing, Social Media, and anything related to WordPress, Web Design/Development. (This is what you should review), so don’t write me a review about kitchen products, gardening or tomato, it won’t be accepted 🙂
This is Cash only contest, so we won’t give you a prize that you don’t like, we know that Money is the best prize for such type of contests!
- You participate, win, get your prize, and buy whatever you like or need!
- Or, you sponsorship, get exposure!
How it works
Participants will write blog posts about their best affiliate products, they will review it and prove their points, for example that will tell us why they like this product, how they did the promotion, how they convinced buyers to buy it, how much they spent on promotion/advertisement campaigns, maybe how much they could earn from it…etc.
Participants will have to link back to contest sponsors under our conditions to be able to win the contest. We will ask them to write reviews for sponsor’s products and blogs, which will increase their points and give them a better chance to win. Of course social media is involved, so the more social sharing your review gets, the more points you will receive, and a better chance to win!
This is cash only sponsorship, so I won’t accept any products/service as a prize, it doesn’t make sense! What makes a lot of sense if you pay for sponsorship and consider that part of your advertising cost! I’ve also increased the sponsorship levels and lowered the max available spots to make sure that out sponsors are in a good company.
Latest contest we’ve organized:
- Traffic Generation Blogging contest
- The Blogging Comments contest
- Popularity Blogging Contest (my first one -:)
Why should I sponsor this contest?
If you are asking yourself why I should sponsor this contest, my answer to you is:
- Great exposure (if you are launching new product or a blog, get your name and logo there)
- Get reviews for your product/blog (participants love to get more points by reviewing sponsor’s product)
- Backlinks (I am getting backlinks from PR1 to PR5 blogs, a lot cheaper than any other way, yet natural)
- Higher Ranking (I’ve enhanced my blog ranking by sponsoring this type of contests)
- Give back to community (Many bloggers and marketers trying to find a way for living, you can help!)
By the way, I am sponsoring two contests this month for the same reasons above!
I even shared these contests here on the blog:
- How Do I Survive My Blog competition
- Bad Ass SEO Blogging Contest #2
And, guess what?
While I am writing this post, I was checking my email, then I thought to say “Hi” to one of my best friends.. Aidy, she has been supporting FB all the way, I’ve told her about the contest. She quickly send me a positive respond about the sponsorship, and the best of all is these words that really touched me, I decided to share with you:
“Your site and contributors have helped me tremendously when I started out blogging and I am still learning, even though I am primarily doing film reviews and movie news, it is the hearts truth about Famous Bloggers”.
[box type=”green”]Thanks Aidy, you are amazing person, I really appreciate your kind words, especially that you mentioned FB contributors, this means a lot to me![/box]
Are you into sponsorship?
Here you go again, an awesome blogging contest is coming…
Drop me an email via the contact page to have a little chat if you are willing to sponsor this contest. (note: only a few spots are available, so act fast)
When we will start
The “Best Selling Affiliate Products” contest will start at the beginning of October 2011 (hopefully on time) and last for one month to ends at November 2011, so we can get things done before the New Year, and make many people happy!
If you have any questions about the contest or there is anything you would like to know, add a comment below and I will reply to you.
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