What’s the Best Blogging Contest Prize or Giveaway in your Opinion? Plz Vote

It’s time to talk, there are a few quite good blogging contests running on the blogosphere recently, it’s all about promotion and exposure on the internet which is great idea in my opinion, this is why I have created several online contests during the last a few months.
Probably you know that the most type of online contests that gets my attention is guest blogging contests, exactly like the one we have organized on our blog couple of months back which had a great success.
Today I want to talk about what I think is a very serious matter to bloggers, which is the worth of the prize or the giveaway they won and what it means to them, I want to ask you what’s the best blogging contest prize or giveaway that you ever won, and why you think it was the best?!
OK… Hear this
Let me give you a hint, more than one contestants on our recent contest asked me if they can replace the prize with another one of the list because they already has it, a few of them asked me if I can send him/her what the prize worth in cash because they don’t like it or need it, some other think that the prize is over priced and he will never pay this amount for this service or product!
There is several prizes and giveaways offered by awesome sponsors, but what is the best? what’s the prize that you really would like to win when you participate on a blogging contest, and what’s the prize or prizes that you didn’t see yet?! I really need to know.
Vote on The Prizes Poll
To make this more exciting, I have created a poll on daddy polls, I added a few prizes for you to pick your favorite depending on your needs and what you really want to get if you participate on a blogging contest.
As you can see above, I didn’t add value or price for the prizes, I want to get a pure opinion about it as I really want to know your choice!
You are the One we should Ask
We all love the challenge, probably you are the one who will participate in our coming blogging contest, and maybe you have participated on our latest contest, we believe that you are the one we should ask, maybe you are the one who will win one of our prizes, so… your opinion is very important for us.
Help us to decide which kind of prizes we should we go for, what our readers and bloggers like most, so we can work to bring it for you on our next awesome and big blogging contest, so plz help us with this decision by voting on the poll above and add a comment to tell us why do you think it’s the best prize! Also, feel free to add a prize if you can not find it on the lest or it’s missing, maybe we can get it for you!
I will meet you in the comments, so… let’s have some fun and give value to this blog post while discussing the insane of over pricing of prizes or giveaways!
Image credit: Stephen Poff
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