Bad Ass SEO Blogging Contest #2

Hey guys, the Bad Ass SEO blogging contest #2 is live. I have been watching the first contest closely, I was actually a month the judging team. It was really good one, and I am expecting this contest #2 to be even better.
This is why my Thesis Skins site is sponsoring it.
*Here is a link to the pronouncing of the first SEO contest on our blog.
The Bad Ass SEO Blogging Contest #2
This time Gerald of and Dev of are working together to bring to you an awesome blogging contest. I like to share this news on FamousBloggers because I know many of you are looking for exposure opportunity. So, if you have a good idea for a blog post, maybe you can make some bloody cache our of it, it’s cool to make money while having fun.
To clarify, you don’t have to actually be a bad ass SEO (although it wouldn’t hurt) to enter the contest. The general theme is SEO and the contest itself is bad ass since we have several generous sponsors that put up cash and a few other prizes.
The contest started yesterday (9/7/11) and will last until October 7th, 2011. Acceptable guest post topics include anything related to SEO, Internet marketing or social media.
Check out the Bad Ass SEO blogging contest #2
And, good luck!
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