How are you Making your Business Amazing

I am not going to tell you how we are making our business amazing, it’s absolutely something that we like to hear from you. I am sharing two special blogging contests today, it’s all about business and SEO, both are important and related, so check this out, write your post tips, share it with the world, and you probably can make some cash out of it, and this is why I love this kind of contests.
Do you remember our bloody blogging contest? the one we did together with network? yeah! This contest already ended!
But, today I am sharing not only one, but two excellent blogging contest that will rock your skills and give your a lot of exposure, and the most important part is that you really could help someone who are in your niche, or a person who just stated his/her online business, so.. here we go:
The Bad Ass SEO Guest blogging Contest
If you don’t know my friend Gerald, then you are missing a great fun, this guy is a mazing, and he is organizing a wonderful SEO blogging contest, you really don’t have to be a bad ass SEO expert, but of course you must have something to share in the SEO world, and I don’t need to remind you that sharing your own and personal experience is the best way to make it.
So, visit the The Bad Ass SEO Guest Blogging Contest official post, read the guidelines and start rocking.
The top guest bloggers are eligible to receive cash prizes (current pot is $2100) CASH and there are a couple non-cash prizes, sounds good, yeah?
SugarTone Sweet Business Blogging Contest
I have received today an invitation to join the the SugarTone Sweet Business Blogging Contest, it’s actually their second blogging contests, there will be three winners. Prizes are brought to you by and their good friends at Bloggertone, the business blogging network, and sponsored by Hewlett-Packard.
Check out the official contest announcement HP SugarTone: Making Your Business Amazing. is a small business news and social media site now with 50,000 plus members worldwide, I really love this site and I hope that our reach their success one day!
Are you in?
I am not sure if I can participate on these awesome contests because I am really busy with working on a new project, although my new Thesis Skins project is sponsoring the SEO Blogging contest to support the community, and I would love to hear that someone of our community is in, so.. if you participate on one or both contests, let me know, and I will make sure to support you and your entry. Good luck!
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