10 On Page SEO Tricks to Bring in Extra Traffic

I am not lying though, as I could call them tricks because when you use them, they work like magic. You will be amazed that these tiny Onpage SEO tasks really do work!
Any On page SEO you perform on your website will definitely bring in extra traffic and most likely extra sales. This is what we all want so search engine optimization rocks!
#1. Create the Greatest Content
I hate it when I see a fantastic title and the actual content does not meet my expectations. This puts me off.
I also hate clicking on a keyword and then find the content is not related to the keyword link I clicked on. Are you guilty of this?
The key is to have great, detailed content that is delivering what you promised. If you say you have 10 tips then make sure you do!
So you need the title of the post and the links that lead to it to live up to the visitors expectations. Let’s think about this, if you disappoint a visitor they will bounce right off your site. It is these kinds of reactions that Google takes note of.
Therefore make sure the on page content is up to scratch.
#2. Research and Take Your Time
It used to take me hours to write a fantastic article that I was extremely proud of. It was hard work!!! Some articles even took all day to write!!!
Now I have a lot of experience and it is far easier for me, but it wasn’t always like that!
If you cannot write 1000 words on a particular subject with ease then you are not an expert. That means you need to do extra research to bring your articles up to standard, therefore investing far more time to write and edit.
Now you are probably saying “what’s research got to do with SEO?” Well what about researching keywords and related keywords? Did you know that this is the first step to fantastic content?
Having the right keywords to write your content around is what you need to master first! If you do not have any keywords in your articles it will no doubt be boring and not fulfill anyone’s expectations!
#3. Get Searched for Keywords
You want to give your content the best chance possible to get picked up by the search engines. The first thing you need to do is make sure that your keywords are being searched for by real people. Getting the right keyword can be a matter of simply swapping a few words around or maybe even adding a simple S to the end of the word. Many Webmasters often neglect to do any keyword research whatsoever and this leaves their posts to get published in the desert.
Go to the Google keyword Tool and add in your keyword and see how many searches there are. There might be thousands and thousands of searches but there might be a higher competition for that keyword. If you find something with less search volume and less or no competition you have a better chance of ranking for that keyword. I like to find a keyword that has over 1000 monthly searches and when I look in the top 10 of the Google results, I see some pages that I could possibly beat to take their position. Yes I like to take that extra step and actually look at the Google search results for myself, to see which websites and what articles are ranking in the top 10.
#4. Add SEO Elements to your Posts
Writing SEO content is not only for the search engines as humans like it too..
One On page SEO factor I always include is subheadings, sometimes including the main keyword. This not only covers SEO but it also makes it easier to read for a human. Some humans like to jump to sections in an article, and with subheadings it is easy to do.
Another on page SEO element is to include your keywords, because as I mentioned above, if you have none, what is the subject you are covering? It can’t be much of an article if your main topic is not mentioned!
#5. Mix in Related Keywords
I know I have mentioned keywords, but what about related keywords? This is a great secret of mine, not that I am hiding it, but not many people think it is important. I DO!!!!
The fact that people don’t use this method to its full advantage annoys me.
Here is an example of some related keywords I should be mentioning in this article.
- SEO for Google
- On page SEO factors
- Off page SEO
- Search engine optimisation
- On page SEO tips
I also use these to help me create a better post title, tags for the post; description, subheadings, and I use these for ideas on how to cover the subject thoroughly. When people search for the topic of this article they want to see related content and all of the above words are exactly what they want!
And let’s not forget off page SEO. Some of these related keywords can be used for keyword link text that leads to the article.
#6. Use SEO Plugins
There are so many great Free SEO tools plugins to use and some are free while others are paid versions.
I like to use the Google Keyword Tool, Keyword Winner and SEOPressor.
I also have Yoast’s free SEO plugin on all of my blogs.
Installing SEO plugins simply saves time and we all like to do that! Image not having plugins and having to do everything yourself?
#7. Use Internal Linking to Highlight Keywords
I am an internal linking fan. I started internal linking years ago when it wasn’t really popular, even though I had no idea why. All I wanted to do was show off more of my articles. The funny thing is, I started to realize these links in Google recorded as backlinks. I was amazed that my own links counted for something, so I continued to lay the link trail.
Late when I realized this was actually part of SEO, I refined the process.
- Each article links to another on your site with a similar keyword or subject.
- A minimum of two links leading to another article is required.
- No more than one link in 200 words.
- Must be relevant to the current article.
- Internal links on a min of two posts pointing into the new article using keywords.
Internal linking is like voting for your own post. You are showing that it is worthy content.
#8. Check Your Stats
After your post has been published for a while you will be able to see what keywords are successful for generating website traffic and sales. I use Google Analytics but there are many other types of stats counters to use for your website. In Google I like to see which keywords are bringing in the most traffic and then I go back and optimize a bit more for that keyword. I might add in a subheading including that keyword, or maybe even an entire paragraph of content on the topic. Either way checking your stats for each article can pay off big time.
You will also be able to see what people are searching for and didn’t find. Maybe you could make this available on your website next time.
Use this information for the next step.
#9. Revamp your Content
As I have said, now that you know what is working you can steer your SEO efforts towards that success. Webmasters often simply publish an article and forget about it. I do not work this way. I have articles that I have written five years ago that still make me money today. This is because I go back and check out my stats, revamp the content, and make it appropriate for the current day and time. This way my content is not out of date. I do not do this for every article, only the important ones.
Also with SEO trends change and keywords that were not popular before are popular now. You can always pick up on extra traffic when you revamp your content.
I also find that when I go back to an article later, I have since learned more and always have more information to add.
#10. Don’t Get Lazy!
Many Webmasters know that they should be having great content and know that it has to be search engine optimized, however most people get lazy and neglect their on page SEO. Every piece of content on the Internet can be very valuable if people invest a little bit of time in on page SEO. This makes your articles the best quality and it will help you bring in more traffic and many more possibilities.
What About Google Updates and SEO?
After all the Panda and Penguin updates, many Webmasters are in a panic about their search engine optimization tactics. But lets think about this, If there is no SEO then how does Google or any other search engine know what your content is about? SEO is not getting punished, it is SEO that manipulates the system that is getting punished. Everything I have mentioned here is in the Google SEO guide (PDF) and all of these practices have been the same for years. Therefore if you do the right thing and follow these simple guidelines your on page SEO will indeed bring you extra traffic!
Please share some of your own on page SEO tricks to bring in extra traffic in the comment section below.
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