How Do You Like the New Way to Navigate Google?

Google is driving its users crazy, honestly! Tons of updated has been added to the overall site, some of the enhancements are great, some other are not making users happy. Today, I notice a change in my Google account, it’s the new way to navigate Google!
So, welcome to the new way to navigate Google!
The New Way to Navigate Google
The first thing came into my mind when I saw the new drop menu in my Google account is that Google won’t give you a choice to change it as it’s the main menu of the site, this could piss off some people, but well.. I personally like it.
I remember one comment I read on my other post about Gmail, the guy asked me in the comment: how much I got paid to love and write a post about Gmail new look!
My answer is I never got paid to write about Google or review their site 🙂
I just love the new look of Gmail, I think the new YouTube look is not bad, but I love the new way to navigate Google! I think removing the old top navigation bar cleared the page, and it actually look better, at least for me, I love drop down menus because they save space on page.
Now, it’s your turn…
I know that it’s nearly impossible to make every one, so Google won’t be able to make all its users happy with the changes they make to their site.
So, honestly, what you think of the new Google drop down menu?
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