The Mutual Reciprocation Technique: The Latest Way to Make Others Grant You Links

With the current transformation of Link Building to Link Earning, it is more important than ever for an SEO individual to carefully derive a creative strategy. With time, trends change but this time the ‘Reciprocal’ strategy is back in action again.
Shocked? Don’t worry. I am not talking about exchanging links. Those were the times when you outreached to thousands of websites for bartering links. That was the generation when a dentist was willing to get links from SEO related websites. I am not kidding here.
But with the advent of Penguin, all link traders had to shut down their shops. At that point, Penguin started de-indexing websites that were practicing the link exchange or reciprocal technique.
Why adopting Mutual Reciprocation?
Mutual Reciprocation refers to ‘give and take.’ If you are doing something positive for someone, then as a result, you will definitely get the same or even a better response from him. The Mutual Reciprocation Link Building technique is common, but a relatively recent buzz in the industry. I got inspired from a post written byMoosa Hemani about “The Rule of Reciprocity and Link Builders” and it forced me to write about the topic with further detail. It is a simple and effective law that helps you to acquire the attention of new acquaintances as well as strangers.
A good deed done always pays off in the end!
In response, that person will definitely help you in resolving your problem. See a detailed explanation from Rand Fishkin about how helping others can benefit you in the long term. Not only this, it will allow you to build a huge community around your brand.
Now, here a question arises about how you can help other people in generating links? Here are some tactics to help other people, I mean helping yourself indirectly!
1. Making People Aware of their Technical Issues
It’s common and apparent that every website has got some technical issues. For instance, broken links, improper URL structure, W3C validation failure, poor page speed and more. All these technical issues are crucial from the user and search perspective leaving a negative impact on your brand, especially, the infamous 404 page. It’s always a good opportunity for you to indicate that error and email that website owner to fix the issue.
In this way, while you assist that person, you can also expect something positive from him as well. Offer him some of your links that can be used for that broken page.
Hello David,
How are you doing? I was surfing Google and randomly checked your website. I really found it to be awesome. However, I discovered this broken link from your blog section “URL”.
I think this might harm your traffic flow and online reputation amongst your users/customers. For keeping your users on board, I can give you a favor. You can redirect that broken link to this blog “Your Blog URL”.
I hope it will help you in fixing your 404 issue. Looking forward to hear your comments on it.
In case, if you do not have any link to offer, then you can avail this opportunity by recommending some of your guest posts.
2. Blog Enhancement
A blog post has its worth in the inbound marketing world. Especially, when you are posting it to a platform that already has thousands of subscribers. I have seen many bloggers who focus merely on the text part ignoring the visual graphics element. If you find a dry post, you can outreach bloggers and provide them with some attractive graphics that can boost their post. This will help you in branding your visual graphics and give you good business exposure.
Hello David,
How are you doing? I am one of your daily readers of your blog and I am very much inspired by your blogs. However, I didn’t find any visual representation in it and that makes it little bit dry for your readers.
If you want you may use the attached meme/infographic/presentation in your article to boost its attractivity. I think it will be best suited for your blog too. Awaiting your response.
Best Regards,
3. Assisting Socially
Getting more and more social shares is a dream for both bloggers and businessmen. Assist them in making their blog post viral using your social networks. This will get them under your debt forever.
Assisting socially regarding his/her blog will help you in booming your own visibility among your connections, followers and circles. Being an active user, people are likely to follow you and share your content on their social channels.
Additionally, the person whose content is being shared, will give you a preference in sharing your content in future. That’s a usual phenomenon of a marketer.
4. Get your Post Viral using Quotations
Now this is something unique and creative! Let’s suppose, you are preparing a blog post; try to mention quotations from someone who you deeply admire. This will not only strengthen your points, but in this way you are expanding and making his quotes viral on diversified platforms.
Making someone’s quotation viral can make your post viral too. You are giving someone a favor by promoting his words in your blog, right? In response, just inform the person that you have shared his quotations in your blog and would appreciate if he shared it in his social networks.
Hello Jacob,
How are you doing? Remember, you gave an interview on our company blog. You know what? I have been really inspired with your words and thoughts which led me to write a blog post which got published on
I have shared your words and thoughts in this article. Would love if you read it and share it in your social network. Here is the link of that post:
Abbas Rajani.
These were some common mutual reciprocation techniques that you can adopt in your online marketing campaign. If we think out of the box then we can safely say that it is quite similar to Newton’s Law:
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
This infographic will give you a much clear idea about the mutual reciprocation technique. Those SEO’s who thought that trading links was the best Reciprocation Technique had been hit hard by The Great Penguin. Currently, the Mutual Reciprocation trend is soaring high levels and many inbound specialists are benefiting from it.
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