Miracle Traffic Bot Review – Article Submission Software

I have recently purchased the Miracle Traffic Bot in the hope that it would help me to reduce the time I spend on link building. To be honest I was completely disappointed.
The reason I bought Miracle Traffic Bot in the first place was because it offered me an opportunity to automate my link building efforts. It submits articles and bookmarks to various websites automatically. That’s why I thought it would be interesting to use.
I think it’s a bad purchase. The fact that even after buying it you have to navigate through 4 different sales pages speaks for itself.
Here are other reasons why I can’t recommend it:
Bad Coding
The software itself works fine but there are several things that are disturbing. First of all you can’t really configure it. You can only set a certain delay for posting articles. And here is where the software coder really seems to have missed the point. You can actually enter the delay in minutes and seconds. But for some reason you can’t enter a number of minutes higher than the number of seconds.
So you can’t enter 120 minutes and 0 seconds, it simply won’t accept the input. The only thing you can enter is something like 20 minutes and 20 seconds or 20 minutes and 30 seconds.
No Additional Directories
Another thing that is annoying is that you can’t even add new article directories or bookmarking sites to the software. You just have to stick to the small number of sites that are entered by default. I think there are around 12 article directories.
500 Word Minimum
One of the most annoying facts of this software is that you can’t seem to post articles that are below a length of 500 words. I have usually written articles around 250 – 400 word articles which means that I can’t submit any of these articles via Miracle Traffic Bot making the software completely useless for me.
Can’t Submit Different Titles for the Same Article
There is another thing I expected for Miracle Traffic Bot to include and that is the ability to submit different article titles for the same article, so that the post won’t be as intrusive for search engine. Miracle Traffic Bot lacks this feature too.
No Automated Account Creation
If you are already paying $77 for the software than I thought it would also make it possible to automate the account creation for the various websites. But it doesn’t offer this feature.
The positive side is that the software is easy to install and has a nice interface. But it’s still not useful in my opinion. That’s why I am going to ask for a refund. I can’t really recommend buying the software.
What do you think? Have you used Miracle Traffic Bot? What’s your experience?
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