Google+ Branded Pages for Local Business and Global Brands

Google plus network’s main goal is to actually connect people together and help them build and manage relationships together. Today, Google is rolling out Google+ Pages worldwide, from local businesses to global brands.
This exciting news was shared on Google’s official blog today:
For businesses and brands, Google+ pages help you connect with the customers and fans who love you. Not only can they recommend you with a +1, or add you to a circle to listen long-term. They can actually spend time with your team, face-to-face-to-face. All you need to do is start sharing, and you’ll soon find the super fans and loyal customers that want to say hello.
[youtube 8Ccf5GxM7vg 640 360]
See some Google+ Branded Pages examples.
Add Branded Pages to your Circles
Imagine you can hang out with any of your favorite brands or shops live and connect with them. You can even find it straight from the search result using the new Direct Connect from Google search!
This simply can be done by adding a “+” before the bran name!
[youtube NY8L_SzNr70 640 360]
Note that Direct Connect works for a limited number of pages today (like +Google, +Pepsi, and +Toyota), but many more are coming.
Google+ Branded Pages and new opportunities
Not only Google+ Branded Pages will help local business and brands to expand and reach more clients, but it will also create new business opportunities for more and much more development on the internet, this will benefit developers, designers, web marketers to show off their skills building awesome Google+ Branded Pages!
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