Get to Know Google+ Brand Pages for Business

What motivated me to write this post is that Google+ Brand Pages is having the most extensive buzz around the internet since it was launched on Monday 7th of November 2011.
With all this going, a large number or people started to create Google+ Pages for their business, however many of them doesn’t really know why they are creating those pages, some did it for the fun of it, and others did it just to secure their brand names on this promising social network.
So, here I am sharing a special roundup all the interesting stuff I was reading and watching about Google+ and it’s new Brand Pages.
1 – Google+ for Business: What You Need to Know
A very insightful video interview with about Google+ for Business from
Something I found interesting is Google+ for Business makes a lot more sense of Facebook for Business! Really!
Watch this video → Google+ for Busines
2- Why Google Plus Pages (Will) Beat Facebook And Twitter
I found this on, here is why:
This is where Google will have an advantage over Facebook: With a broad array of services like search and Gmail and Chrome and Android, Google offers tools that are fundamental to the online lives of so many people — and these can be tied to Google+. As Google+ evolves, Google will have the means to promote its social network — and the branded Pages within it — in ways that Facebook or Twitter cannot.
Read full article: → Google advantages over Facebook
3- Google+ is Delighted to Be Underestimated by Facebook
Another very interesting video interview with Google+ VP of Product Management, Bradley Horowitz, I found it at BlogWorld’s blog.
Watch the video: → Google+ is Delighted to Be Underestimated by Facebook
Finally: 5 Cool Tips You Should Know About Google+ Pages:
I’ve got this from Google+ business page.
1. You Can +1 a Page to Show Support or Add Them to Your Circles
We know you love some brands and businesses. Others you may want to show a quick note of support, but not see all their updates. So just drop a little +1 and keep going, or add a page to any circle you want. You’re in control.
2. No Google+ Page Can Follow You Until You Follow Them
We want Google+ to be a place you love to share. Pages cannot circle you until you follow them first. Of course, if you are in their circles, they can share great deals, exclusive coupons, product tips and hangouts, but the relationship is yours to start.
3. In Fact, Google+ Pages Can’t Even Mention You Unless You’re Connected
That’s right. The +Google+ page can’t even say your name unless you’re following. No +mention spam.
4. Google+ Pages Automatically Unfollow You If You Unfollow Them
If you remove a Google+ Page from your circles, you are automatically removed from their circles. You always are in charge.
5. You Can Find Google+ Pages In Google Search
With a new feature we call Direct Connect, just type + followed by the brand name in Google Search, and you can see pages automatically display. Type +Pepsi to see Pepsi, and +Dell for Dell. It’s that easy.
We’re very excited about the great work we’ve seen with Google+ Pages so far. So many amazing companies are here, and you can see from all the work we’ve done that we want your experience on Google+ to remain a fantastic one.
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Have you created a Google+ Brand Page for your business yet?
If yes, then pass this!
Here is a post that demonstrate how easy it is to → Create a Google+ brand page for your business.
Also feel free to Circle us → Famous Bloggers on Google+
After you read and watch!
Now that you’ve got amazing resources and information about Google+ Brand Pages, I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions!
How you like it? Why you hate it? And whither you think it will be useful for your business to have a page on Google+ or not!
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