The First Making Money Online Contest on Famous Bloggers 2010

After the great success of our Best of the Best contest, we are happy to pronounce our new contest for this month, and we are officially pronouncing our new Making Money Online Social Network and Bookmarks website. There are so many opportunities and options and ways to make money with us through our new MMO social network that will take another 10 posts to tell you about it, so I am going to tell you about only two ways that you can make money with us on this post.
The first way:
Is by being active member on our social network, we have a share revenue system depending on Google AdSense, it’s very easy to use, just by adding your Google publisher ID to your profile > personal information you are ready to make money when some one click the ads on your submitted pages, and we are giving the max revenue share percent (100%) for the coming three months as we are growing our website, so it’s you chance to be one of the earlier members and submit blog posts from your blog and other blogs that you believe it has value and it’s related to our network categories.
The second way:
Is to participate on our first and not the last contest on MMO social network, it’s awesome to make money from AdSense and at the same time win a great price at the end of month, so by supporting us we will be able to run more contests and develop the idea.
Our contest Sponsors & Prizes: $620 worth
- $100 via PayPal from Making Money Online Social Network (make sure you have PayPal account)
- $282 worth 6 months course “Income Blogging Guide Course” from WeBuildYourBlog & BlogTechGuy
- $97 worth 3 Day Money course from David Risley
- $67 worth Ultimate Blogging Theme package from Carl “Kidblogger” Ocab
- $?? free membership from CrazyEgg
- $19.95 worth ElegantTheme membership for one year from Lawmacs of Blogging The Future
Our Winners!
We will have 2 winners (maybe more!) on our contest, and maybe this could extent to three winner at any time while the contest is running, as we are expecting some good guys to sponsor our contest! If you are a sponsor and have a valuable prize then contact us at any time before the contest ends, and remember you will increase your promotion chances if you contact us early!
The First winner will get: $377 $478 worth prizes
- $75 via PayPal from MMOSocialNetwork
- $282 worth “Income Blogging Guide Course” from WeBuildYourBlog & BlogTechGuy
- $67 worth Ultimate Blogging Theme package from Carl “Kidblogger” Ocab
- $54 free membership from CrazyEgg
The second winner will get: $122 $142 worth prizes
- $25 via PayPal from MMOSocialNetwork
- $97 worth 3 Day Money course from David Risley
- $19.95 worth ElegantThemes membership for one year from Lawmacs of Blogging The Futuer
Contest guidelines:
This time our MMO contest has relay simple roles, all what you have to do it:
- Write a very simple post on your blog with links to our sponsors & prizes and the contest post (this post).
- Register to our MMOSocialNetwork and start submitting your articles related to our categories.
- That’s it 🙂
Note: if you are already a member on our MMO social network then just follow the guideline number (1) above and you are ready to go, continue your activities and submit more links and vote for articles submitted by others to gain more points.
How we will calculate points?
We have a member points system on our MMO social network, this means that we are giving points depending on your activities on the network, so when ever you submit a new post or add a comment or vote for others you will get Points and increase your Karma! so.. at the end of the contest we will decided the winners depending on their points and karma!
When the contest will start?
Let’s say: It’s running now! Go a head to MMO Social Network and register for a new account, it will not take more than 20 seconds and you are ready to submit your articles! And remember it’s a DoFollow social network, which means you will get back-links to your blog plus the promotion we will do for the best submitted articles.
When it will End?
Our MMO contest will end at the end of January 2010, and we will decide the winners on February 2010.
Need Promotion set?
Yes! There is a few things that you can use on promoting this contest and our MMO Social Network, it’s a collection of widget, vote button, link codes and banners!, find it at the footer of MMO social network in the kitchen section!
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