This Is Your Chance, Your Opportunity, Take Advantage and Engage with Bloggers

Everyday as a blogger your faced with opportunities to grow, learn, engage and become a better blogger. As many of you know these opportunities take time, energy and effort on your part. Many times we evaluate the opportunity, determine if it’s ROI is great enough to invest our time.
At Blog Engage we provide these opportunities and we ensure the ROI is great enough for your time and investment. Our real blogging members are waiting to engage with you. The entire process is fairly easy! You submit your content and our members vote on it! In return you vote on their submitted content. When you reach the right amount of votes your content is published to the front page.
Let’s make our community more engaging!
To make our community more engaging I have decided to host a monthly contest giving away cols hard cash to our guest bloggers! What’s unique about Blog Engage is our sponsors are real bloggers and not the typical sponsors you see in other contests. These are real bloggers like you and I that have become Blog Engage sponsors.
Our sponsors are part of our RSS and Contest Sponsorship Service. This is how ensure we know our sponsors are all real bloggers like you and I as our service is only for bloggers. The unique part about our contest is you are playing for points. When you do reviews of our blogging sponsors we give you points towards winning our contest.
Business Sponsors hold top sponsorship placement in our guest blogging contests. In addition you, our contestants are given 150 points for each individual sponsor review you do. These points are used towards gaining the lead in our guest blogging contests.
Platinum Sponsors receive second top sponsorship placement in our guest blogging contests. In addition you, our contestants are given 100 points for each individual sponsor review you do. These points are used towards gaining the lead in our guest blogging contests.
Gold Sponsors receive third top sponsorship placement in our guest blogging contests. In addition you, our contestants are given 50 points for each individual sponsor review you do. These points are used towards gaining the lead in our guest blogging contests.
Review Rules!
1. The content about our sponsors must be unique
2. The article must contain targeted keyword links
3. The links must be do follow
Overall this is an amazing way to meet new bloggers, review their website and build relationships with them. the Blog Engage contests have gone to a level of engagement never seen in the blogosphere and this is only the start!
Special $1000 USD Note
By entering into our contests your guest articled are automatically entered into a chance to win the the 1000 USD Best Guest Blogger of 2011 Award
Dec 01 2011 I will allow all our guest bloggers that have submitted contest articles to pick the one article they want to use towards The Best of the Guest Blogger Year End 2011 Contest. These articles will be judged and the winner, the blogger who has the best article in 2011 will be awarded 1000USD.
Earn Bonus Points Now!
If you add our sidebar banner to your blog we will award you bonus points for the contest. Please help us build a strong community and add it up top nice and high for everyone to see! Simply copy and paste it into your sidebar for the duration of the contest. 500 bonus points for the 300 by 250, 300 points for the 468 by 60 and 100 points for the 125 by 125.
Be sure to add me as a friend, bbrian017
Twitter, bbrian017
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