Why Some Bloggers Lose Relationships Even Before Building It

When it comes to blogging and community building we should be smart dealing with others, you will find out how easy it is to make good friends through blogging as you grow day after day.
The way we communicate with each other is the key for building relationships. I prefer a very simple and straight way, especially when I send or receive emails as life is really getting extra loaded with new tasks, plans and events, and I am sure we all are getting much busy than ever as we grow our businesses.
Some people shoot without thinking!
This is true, unless you are a pro talking machine and you are really gifted.
Darren Rowse have got a wide experience, not everyone will be , experience is gained by years of hard work, Problogger.com is 6 years old now, I’ve enjoyed listening and watching what Darren have learned over 6 years of blogging at ProBlogger, I wish I can embed his video into my post, but it’s not fair, you must watch it on his land.
From the very deep of my heart, I wish Darren more bright future, and Happy Birthday Problogger. I’ve learned something new today from you.
Some Bloggers lose relationships even before building it!
Some people lose their relationships because they don’t have a style, they are not educated in this area in a way or another, they are not nice by nature, they are used to shoot words without thinking. The real problem is they never learn from their mistakes because they don’t realize it.
They could hurt a few other people on a daily bases just because they don’t really use their minds, they will end with no friends, and they will be rejected where ever they go, I can say that a healthy blogging community or network will not accept them, they are not able to build relationships, Do you agree?
The less you talk, the less mistakes you do!
If you find out that you have this problem, I advise you to hold your horses, and think before you talk. I know that some people will never realize it, but advising you will not cost me anything!
From recent conversations at FamousBloggers, I had a conclusion that most of us agree on, replying to comments is something we all should do, but I want to say it’s much more important in my opinion to know how to reply to comments and answer your readers, you should try to make people feel good about you and about your blog, help them to learn something new, remind them with something they should do, give them a reason to visit you again, and.. build a community.
Alright, time to focus on business, and.. enough saying!
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