To Enter BlogEngage party Visit our Registrars Office to get your BlogEngage Invitation

Latest news from BlogEngage today is so hot everybody, Brian decided that to register a new account to BlogEngage you must have an invitation, it’s a wild marketing idea in my opinion and will create a holly sphere around BlogEngage and it’s community, more privacy, safety and tons of ideas can be generated around BlogEngage invitations, who would run a new BlogEngage registrars office or BE invitation consultants business?
mmm what else?!
Is going by invitations will limit registration to BlogEngage?
Nope! I don’t think so, I think what will happened is more people will try to find BlogEngage invitation to register to the community and get the benefits, and it’s another way of promotion for BlogEngage itself, it’s like: Hey people.. we are private and respectful community, and no one can join us that easy LOL! And this what will make difference in the number of registered members in the coming a few months, I hope Brian will tell us if this decision will increase registrars to BlogEngage or not!
I can invite new members to BlogEngage CAN YOU?
I now can invite new members or bloggers to BlogEngage to join the backlinks and traffic party, Wonderful! I think I should open a BlogEngage registrars office or run a BE invitation consultants 😉
Any other marketing ideas for a social bookmark website?
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