Many of us are looking for the best web hosting advice, especially that hosting plans always promoted in a tricky way to catch your attention and make think they are the best. It’s important to take your time and check out many providers before actually choosing a hosting company or a hosting plan for your […]
HostGator Windows Hosting 25% Discount Coupon
I’ve been with HostGator for almost a year. I started with their shared hosting, and I upgraded to HostGator VPS a few months back. It’s the best webhosting I’ve ever tried so far. I just knew that I had to tell you about them when HostGator announced their Unlimited Shared Windows Hosting. I know that Windows web […]
Cleaning Up The airschk Mess
This is Part II of our “You’ve been hacked” blog I published last week. In this post, we will focus on how you can clean your files from the airschk web bug injections. If you are one of the many blog administrators who run WordPress or other .php based CMS, this may interest you. When […]
You’ve Been Hacked!
If you are one of the many computer users or web hostmasters who think that they have not been hacked before, you should think again! And if you truly believe you are invincible or unsusceptible to attacks, well, let’s just say, “There is wishful thinking in Hell as well as on Earth” – C.S. Lewis […]
8 Reminders to Protect Your Computer from Viruses and Hackers
Viruses and hackers have been of a threat to us in the past, but these days the use of internet has become so convenient and common, we somewhat neglect and forget the importance of protecting our computers and files. It’s become normal to say, “oh it has a virus” and then just ignore the fact. […]
Web Hosting and How it Works
The web hosting industry is extremely cut throat. You’ll find some web hosting companies are trying to undercut their competitors to gain business. A vast majority of web hosting customers are completely unaware of how the web industry operates or what’s involved. In this article, I am going to shine some light on the logistics of […]