Check out this awesome infographic that visualize what’s behind the scenes of Neil Patel’s online businesses. Neil has been in the business for 11 years, from what I know about him being a reader of his blog, I am pretty sure he is a hard worker. Now he owns and runs three successful companies, and he gained respect […]
How to Choose a Typeface for Your Blog
Typeface selection is important to the success of a blog. Your content might be great, but how much of an impact is it making if people can’t read it? An unappealing, difficult-to-read typeface will turn readers away, while the right styles and sizes can improve the look and readability of your blog. Consider the following […]
Thesis 1.8.5 and Exciting News about Thesis 2.0
DiyThemes released an update for Thesis Theme to overcome some issues with the latest WordPress 3.4 release, some of these issues was reported by Thesis users last week, most of it has been covered in 1.8.5 and it’s now playing nicely with the new Live Theme Previews in WP 3.4, plus some other cool modifications. So, I will […]
Genesis Theme: The Complete Package Framework for any WordPress User
It doesn’t really matter if you are just starting out with WordPress or been in it for ages! You probably want to have a blog that looks like a million dollars. You have different options, for example, you can hire a designer to make something totally unique and amazing, but that will cost a lot […]
7 Great Ways to Use Stock Photography on Your Blog
We live in an age of plenty, one where photos are available on stock photo sites for a fraction of the cost of a professional photographer. But this plethora can be overwhelming. Choosing the right stock photo can give your blog or website a modern, stylish feel; choosing the wrong one can mean looking like […]
The Social Media Bubble : No Guarantee in Future Profitability [Infographic]
It’s been seen far too often in recent history -valuations soar and investors flock as rapidly- growing markets promise huge returns on speculative investments. Whether during the late 90’s dot-com boom, the bursting of the real estate bubble, or the current expansion of social media, billions have been made -and lost- overnight as growth takes […]