Now that you are convinced that you need to know the basics of traffic analytics to better interact with your audience, the natural question to follow is how to actually do that. Well, there are quite a few very details and well-outlined bloggers’ guides to search analytics; below I am listing a couple of posts that really help (both are based on Google Analytics):
SEO: Is It Really That Important Anymore?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should be a core component of every businesses online marketing plan. But every day I am asked the same question over and over again. Is SEO really that important anymore? The answer is a resounding yes. Actually it’s probably more important now than ever. But don’t’ take my word for it…let’s […]
The Ultimate Link Building Strategies
All the tips on this post are to be considered for an effective link building and can help catapult your website to the next level of search engine rankings.
How to Create a Bookmark website using WordPress, TDO Mini Forms plugin, Thesis Theme
Let’s say that I was interested enough to create a complete new blog on an old domain of mine called Babel Talk, and run the TDO Mini Forms plugin on it to check how it will work, I also used Thesis Theme and dress it up with one of the Free Thesis Skins, it’s the Fresh Company free skin, of course I have played a little with it’s CSS file trying to give a unique and a simple look to exactly match what I need, and Cool thing! Now it looks like a bookmark website! Of maybe it’s better to call it a link submitter.
What is the Advantages and Disadvantages of HUGE and LONG Link List Blog Posts in the long term
I decided not to do long list posts anymore and reduce umber of external links in my posts, maybe 10 up to 30 is not harmful and painful as a 100 list post. I believe you know now the disadvantages of long list posting.
SEO Between Theory and Practice
Many of SEO experts, before starting to practice SEO they had read a lot of opinions, experiments and informations posted on different blogs by other SEOs. The knowledges accumulated had determined an own mentality and an own practice for each SEO expert.