SEO Between Theory and Practice

I’ve seen and I see many crazy peoples who think that SEO can be done by everybody, that’s totally wrong and because of this they attract a lot of different Google penalties for their blogs.
There are a lot of different penalties, those penalties are appear and disappear depending on the Google updates and evaluation algorithms, Penalties appears as a consequence of an abuse and are valid for a quite long period and are remaining valid until you fix all the mistakes that you’ve done before.
Obviously, the SEO heroes that are applying this kind of “advanced SEO” then comes to ask for advice on SEO forums where the real SEO engine optimization experts are sharing the information. SEO and SEM are largely based on theory, information generally appears as a result of observations, practices and results that confirm theories.The practice in SEO and SEM it’s made based on your knowledge or based on others unverified theories.
Here appears the big problem for many persons, they are asking for practical tips or informations but they never ask for theory. They want quick and simple solves for their problems. Theory is useless for this type of SEOs but in my opinion, theory, its almost more important than practice.If you give them an SEO tutorial they will say something like this “I already know what you’ve posted there” and for this kind of persons the tutorials are useless.
Why SEO means more theory than practice?
Because SEO is applied differently from site to site, from keyword to keyword, from data center to data center, from IP to IP. The practice is already published on the internet, you can read many articles about what to do and what not.
The problem is that when they find out something,many SEO’s are living with the impression that they’ve already known that, and if they already know this they need something more advanced….they think that they already know the big secret.
Much of what it’s called practiced for some of the it’s based on the experiences and the observations done by some real SEO experts. You can’t practice SEO without theoretical knowledge about why you should do some thing and why you shouldn’t do other what do those thing use or what results appears after using some SEO techniques.
Many of SEO experts, before starting to practice SEO they had read a lot of opinions, experiments and informations posted on different blogs by other SEOs. The knowledges accumulated had determined an own mentality and an own practice for each SEO expert.
Depending on the success, some SEOs had perpetuated the workflow. SEO after all is more theory, practice being learned and developed over time and according to industry updates or what Google does.
Even if is a difference between theory and practice, in many cases, if the theory it’s not done by some real good SEO experts, you can’t begin a good practice.
SEO it’s so easy that many of “SEOs” are practicing it wrong and this is a good thing because this way we can see who are the experts.
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