You have to have a website to make money online! That is one of the biggest myths about making money online. You don’t have to own your own website to be able to earn money online. There are so many ways that you can make money on the internet, that don’t require you owning a […]
Getting the Most from Virtual Marketing Assistants
In recent years, waves of entrepreneurs have rushed into engagement with virtual assistant outsourcing services. The Lifestyle Design movement, popularized by Tim Ferriss’ bestselling book, The Four Hour Work Week, has inspired business owners with the hope of seeing increasing paychecks and abundant free time. After all, Time and Money are not just Pink Floyd […]
Making Money Online – Separating Facts from Fiction
How many of you have received emails where the sender claimed to have made thousands of dollars by working only for a couple of hours? Enticing, right? It is an old but very popular trick, nonetheless, to get people to open such spam emails and visit some bogus website. If and when you do that, […]
Microsoft and Skype – What is the Connection?
Over the last 6 years phone service over the internet has grown in leaps and bounds. I remember when making calls home from college for 7 cents a minute after 7PM was a huge deal. And of course when the whole idea of a flat rate for unlimited calls was introduced, I thought it couldn’t […]
Now the Buck$ Doesn’t Work!
The last 20 years has seen the monetisation of just about everything – including motivating and ‘engaging’ staff (and I use the term loosely). What was once the preserve of salesmen and factory workers on ‘bit rate’ has since become the norm across the public, private and 3rd sector. But are we ‘richer’ for these […]
What Social Media Etiquette Is… and Isn’t
As more and more businesses and self-employed professionals head online, heeding the call for all things social media-related, there seems to be some confusion regarding what is considered both acceptable and commendable behavior in social media circles, versus what is looked at as unnecessary, annoying, or just plain offensive. Many writers and bloggers have made […]