“You have been selected for an IRS audit” are dreaded words. Those words instill shivers in every spine. How would you like to save legal hassles and lower the probability of an IRS audit? Incorporation is the key. Let’s make the process as painless as possible; which state has the lowest fees and highest asset […]
How To Use Strategic Alliance Agreements To Protect Yourself In Online Business Ventures
The web is unique in that small businesses can compete with huge companies on pretty much equal footing. This is primarily due to the fact small online businesses join up to pursue mutually beneficial projects at a rate never seen in the bricks and mortar world. If you are considering this strategy, it is important […]
Passion = Purpose
As successful individuals, we are driven by passion. Perhaps that passion is writing; we love painting pictures with our words. We record our thoughts, feelings and knowledge in order to enlighten and inspire others. We exude the power of intention in our words. Passion The power of intention drives our careers and our hobbies as […]
How to Avoid Self-Sabotage: the 70% Solution
Although at times it seems like we’re wading through an endless deluge of marketing and branding mumbo jumbo, some things do tend to stick. Three words: “Just Do It” Instantly, you know what company that slogan refers to. What other brand on earth has been able to create such a vivid, emotional branding message with […]
Why You Probably Shouldn’t Be an Entrepreneur
You don’t need me to tell you that one of the world’s most common gripes is “I hate my job”. “If only I were the boss, I could do a way better job!” say basically all of my friends stuck in the icy grip of a mediocre-paying corporate job. “You know, give it 2 years, and I’ll […]
The Top 10 Facts Small Businesses Need to Know About Accounting
Accounting is defined as “The system of setting up, maintaining, and auditing the books of a firm” and “A detailed report of the financial state or transactions of a person or entity.” But what accounting really is for a small business is life. Without accurate and lawful accounting practices a small business is more likely […]