Passion = Purpose

As successful individuals, we are driven by passion. Perhaps that passion is writing; we love painting pictures with our words. We record our thoughts, feelings and knowledge in order to enlighten and inspire others. We exude the power of intention in our words.
The power of intention drives our careers and our hobbies as well. Whether our chosen profession is owning a small business, owning a large corporation or serving as an employee, the ingredient of passion for our career is important. We are intent on furthering our passion.
Last night I heard a lady give a speech; she openly admitted that she struggled with the speech and could not seem to get the words to flow. Have you ever been in that situation? Do you know why?
Problem: She recognized that she did not have any passion for her topic. In fact, she did not even like her topic. This lady is an excellent speaker; inspiration, motivation and purpose were missing.
Work in your passion and you will be more fulfilled and live longer.
Are you discouraged or depressed that you will not be able to retire? Take heart; the delay in retirement can be a blessing. Freakonomics reports that retirement kills. Germany, the U.K. and France have all raised their retirement age; Americans have postponed their retirements as a matter of financial necessity. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 25 per cent of the American workforce will be 55 and older by 2020.
Take heart, early retirement may be bad for your health. What could possibly be bad about casually drinking coffee in the morning instead of weaving your way through rush hour traffic morning and night? When we are passionate about what we are doing, we have a purpose; we have a mission.
Take passion and purpose from another angle. Can you imagine a bride who does not want to look good in her wedding pictures? No. She has a purpose in working out, dieting or even extra lotions and potions. She is motivated to look as attractive as possible on her wedding day.
Motivation – or Not
Without that passion and purpose, our motivation declines and as our motivation declines, our health marches along hand in hand. When your health declines, so does your life expectancy.
Postponing retirement may extend your life expectancy. The secret to living longer, healthier and happier is to continue functioning in your passion.
Does this mean you can’t ever retire? No. If you choose to retire, find a hobby. Find a compelling passion. Passion and purpose extend your quality of life.
Just as the bride has the power of intention in her appearance for her special day and we exhibit our passion in our careers, we display that passion in our professional appearance.
As individuals we demonstrate our passion in our attitude, our manner and our work performance. As writers we have multiple options to display our passion. We can blog, author books, write content for websites, write titillating marketing copy for printed marketing materials or write speeches.
If words are used, we have an opportunity to contribute.
Marketing displays a passionate belief in the business. Our written words and images display our belief and enthusiasm. Whether we are writing marketing copy for ourselves or others, the passion shines through.
Good News
As writers we can continue to express our passion as long as we choose. We can write from home, a beach lawn chair, or a coffee shop. We can write as a career, a hobby or thoughts for our grandchildren. Others may stress about retirement; we have options. We can display our passion for words in any format we choose for as long as we choose.
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