Why I should Choose the Best Title For my Blog/Site?

Whether to Choose A Blog Title or a Post Title, you will have to be extremely careful. first impression is the best impression. Choosing a Good Title for your blog helps in growth. How? If the name catches attention, surely people are more likely to remember the site url (Works best if Url and Site Title are the same) . This may also encourage promotion by the Word of Mouth. When He/she remembers the Url, they may convey the message to other people. Even if the didn’t have time to get a good look of your site, they are sure to visit again.
So choosing is important. Decision making skills can help you here. Think Twice before you act.
Choosing A Post Title
You may think it’s silly, but to a Blogger, promotion is the key, and Wise Decisions = effective promotion. If the Post Title doesn’t get that much of attention, even if you have good body content, the Reader/Visitor may ignore that post, Which affects your Blog.
Wise Decisions really help. Another thing is that if you are a young Blogger like me, These Decisions may later help in your life (To make better decisions)
The Wording Effect
Yes, wording matters. Consumers are more attracted to an ad showing 75% lean than an ad showing 25% fat. Not enough evidence, then search your mind…..
The wording effect can also affect you while commenting. The wordings would reflect your personality or individuality. So you have to be careful while commenting.
Advertisers usually take advantage of this wording effect. As I said before, We are more attracted to 75% lean than 25% fat. Isn’t that amazing ? We have to blame it on Our Brain..Poor Brian, He/She does all the work for us and still we scold him.
That’s it. Yes, That’s all what I got for you Today 🙂 For the conclusion, I would say
Wise Decision making skills can help you to be a Better Blogger. Remember you need these skills throughout your life. We, humans make decisions everyday. How ? Arguing with me…Then here is my answer : Don’t you make Decision about Going to work, Brushing your teeth etc. Be careful with your Wordings.
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