Feel like You’re Out of Content? Rescue Content Management

We all undergo the so called “Writer’s Block,” and, being a blogger, the importance of producing consistent quality content cannot be denied. I just underwent the stage of misery where I had no ideas revolving inside my mind, just dark stillness. That made me pretty frustrated.
I am not the kind of guy who would bear this, and so I decided to overcome this sensation of frustration and restlessness and figure out where I was going wrong. It took me a whole day of introspection in order to know what was missing, and I came to a conclusion. The only thing that stopped my creativity was myself and the stupid conventions that I had been blindly following.
So, if you too are feeling out of ideas, here are some tips that I derived out of my experience and will help you deliver the best of you every time you hit publish.
Finding content to write about
First of all, I would like to remove the misconception that you need to be an expert in a field in order to write about it. I started my very first blog on Blogging, a niche that I had known nothing about.
But I must say that this was one of the best decisions of my life. By taking up blogging and SEO as my niche, I discovered a whole lot of ideas and strategies that I would have missed if I had chosen any other niche. Now, I can run a successful blog on pretty much anything. I just need to research the niche itself and barely worry about learning how to blog about it.
So, I would like to divide this point into two categories, one for those who are experts in their niche and the other for those who have some basic knowledge and are still aspiring to become experts.
Niche Expert
Since you are an expert, you may have an extra edge over others since you hold a great deal of knowledge. You don’t need to worry about researching out content. You just need to think out unique ideas in which you can share your knowledge with your readers.
If you can’t really think of a topic of your own, do not hesitate in scanning through the other blogs in your niche and pick out topics on which you can add more value through your experience.
Do not hesitate to share your experience and your suggestions to tackle a specific problem. This is what differentiates you from other bloggers that are comparatively new in the field.
Novice Learners
Being a novice, you don’t hold the power of experience, but that shouldn’t hold you back. You’ve got the power of enthusiasm and the desire to learn. Blogging about a topic you are interested in is a win-win situation for you.
You learn a great deal through blogging, and moreover, you get to interact with your readers. You get to share the mistakes that you have made as a beginner in order to help your readers achieve better results.
Now that you know in which category you fall and how to proceed, I guess we can get onto the next point.
Types of Content
If you are still confused regarding what kind of content can you provide and in which formats can you deliver it, I would like to mention the three top types of content that can be used to impart information in almost every niche :
News and Updates
There is so much going on around the world, whether it is the technological environment or the discovery of a new species of plant. You just can’t say that there is nothing new in your niche.
If you are an active personality and you keep yourself updated with everything going on in your niche, why not share it with your readers? These kind of posts show your existence in the niche and that it is worth following you.
People visit /read your blog not just because they want to be updated with the ongoing news in your niche, but because they want to learn the stuff that you know.
If you are an expert, I guess you may never run out of things to teach and even if you do, you can add to its value by adding your own experience, as discussed above.
Content Aggregation
Compile what you think may be pretty useful for your readers, or as an appreciation to the work of others in your niche. These are the easiest ways to create and usually pretty popular on social media.
These kind of posts are good traffic magnets and can get you loads of traffic if they go viral on social networking sites.
Now You know what kind of content is popular among people and fits in pretty much every niche. You can’t fail.
If you are still feeling blank emptiness inside your brain, get some fresh air, a cup of coffee, sit back and think!
Share with us what you are thinking? and what types of content you are missing?
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