WordPress Plugin Tracking with PressTrends

A few months ago I did a quick review for PressTrends service, a very useful service for themes developers which allows you to track usage across different metrics for better insights and learn how your themes are being managed. The good news is PressTrends expanded their service to include WordPress Plugin Tracking, so now you get powerful trends and insights into how people use and interact with the WordPress themes and plugins you develop.
Personally, I think the ability to track WordPress plugins is pretty useful, so let’s imagine you’ve created a new plugin and you would like to get useful insights that helps you empower specific areas in the plugin, you won’t be able to do it without user feedback, and in most cases you won’t be able to get all data you need, so that’s exactly what PressTrends dose, feed you with useful information about your plugin usage, so you work blind anymore.
That’s why I am thinking of integrating PressTrends to my pro version of Author hReview plugin.
Tracking Core Matrices for your Plugin
Find here the list of what core matrices you track with PressTrends for your plugin.
P.S. You can track up 1 theme and plugin for free.
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