Upgrade Your Blogging Skills

As a blogger, whatever your blogging goal, you should be a full talented human being. Why I said so? Because a blogger have so many things to do every day, being a blogger means you are ready to doing multitasking job.
The competition is getting hot everyday, everyone want to be the first at Google SERP and the world always changing. How we dealing with the wind of change? We know Google always improve their system, before today, Google taking seriously about keyword meta tag, today Google doesn’t care about it, lol!
Do you really want to be the first in Google SERP? Do you want to get tons of traffic? or Do you want to making money online? Lots of questions for everyone of us. The only answer is you have to know how to do that guys. You need to have all the skills to get what you want.
The one and the only way to get what you want is by up grading your skills. I’m talking about you as a blogger your self not if you pay someone to blog for you, as Jenny’s last article here, she talking about a blog with personality, yes your blog is a mirror of your personality. So I’m talking about you as a blogger with your personality in it and what you need to do to stay on the cruel competition here on the blogohspere.
The question is how to upgrading my skills? I know I can’t answer this question by my self, here on FamousBloggers there are so many experts and my tutor 🙂 with their amazing blogs, and I hope you all guys can help me with the answer by leaving comment at the comment section.
There are few subject that bloggers have to improve their skills, let me try to make my list:
- Writing. Blogging is a bout writing this is very basic skill on blogging world.
- Codes. How to use HTML, CSS, java script, etc. Even we are not a webmaster, I think its important to have this skill.
- SEO. This skills will make your blog have its place on the top of search engines. Like using meta tag, keywords, etc.
- Social Networking. Using network to have more friends and traffic.
- Graphic Software. Using graphic software to create your picture for every post.
- Promotions and Marketing. Content is the king, but with no promotion your content won’t be a king anymore 😉
- Socialize. How you interact with another blogger and visitors.
- Let’s share your list start from here 🙂
I’m sure we can’t be an experts on all fields, sometimes we need to specialize our skills but at least we know about the basic, do not walk in the dark. So feel free to enrich this article and sharing your knowledge to the world.
This post inspired by “Cherish” one of the famous song from Kool and The Gang : “The world is always changing nothing stay the same….”
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