The Best Way to Write a Social Media Audit

So, you want to write a social media audit and you want to learn about what would be the best way to do this? Well, you are at the right place at the moment. In this article, we will be describing this process in detail.
If you have to write a social media audit for your client then you have to keep in your mind that sometimes this audit can take a long time to complete. You may think that you will be done with this audit in a few days but it may take up to weeks. However, the audit should be satisfactory for you and the client as well.
The questions that you may have to answer will change from client to client. So, you must know about the goals that your client wants to achieve so that you can come up with exactly the same thing that your client is looking for. For example, a customer may want to start a twitter service so that they can decrease the cost of customer services by providing customer service on twitter. This is a simple example of the requirements that a client may put in front of you.
There is a pattern that you will have to follow. No social media audit report is acceptable if a proper pattern is not followed while preparing that report. So, read the pattern below properly so that you can apply it to your own social media audit report as well.
Introduction & Executive Summary
In this section, you should explain about the goals that can be achieved through social media and the method that will be used. So, this section will cover everything about the social media introduction and its use in corporate sector. You should also explain about the advancements and the future possibilities of the social media advertisement.
Internal review & benchmarking
In this section, you should talk about the things that have already been done by the client in social media. You should describe the things already done by him and those things that are not yet tried. You should also give suggestions about a few things that can be done in order to promote the social media campaign of your client.
External review & competitor analysis
In this section, you will not analyze the client’s social media campaign but you should analyze the campaign run by competitors. This will help to analyze what is required to do in order to beat the competitor.
Campaign structure & approach
Finally, you will give a structure to the client about the campaign that you will run for him or he should run. You will also give him suggestions about the approach that can be successful for him in the long run. You should also tell the client about the possibilities of success ratio about any approach with references.
It is very important to keep these things in your mind when you are writing a social media audit for yourself or for your client.
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