How to start a Q&A site using WordPress? This post will answer this question and by example as usual, you can check out here at Ask Famous Blogger powered by WordPress and AskIt ElegantThemes theme. I remember when it was a very complicated math to develop and create a website for example like Yahoo Answers using […]
40 Plus Reasons Why I Agree with ElegantThemes Increasing its Price
I just notice that Nick Roach of the most affordable theme membership site ElegantThemes increased the price of it’s yearly paid membership to $39 regarding to the world economic crises, just kidding 😉 I wanted to give you more than 40 reason why I agree on doubling ElegentThemes’s price which is -in my opinion- still […]
Thesis 1.8 beta1 and my Personal Impressions About the New Features
I had the chance today to take a look into Thesis 1.8 beta1 which is available for developers, this is somehow helpful for me while working with Thesis Skins, so I am trying in this to compare Thesis 1.8 features with Thesis 1.7 version as there are a few major and minor changes and differences […]
Get Thesis Theme Color Skin and Have a Unique Blog Look and Feel
If you know me, then probably you know how much I like Thesis Themes, and that I consider Thesis my number one WordPress framework, therefore I am going to do an exiting experiment by supporting two Thesis members, yes.. two Thesis users will get my new Thesis Color Skin and get my support for absolutely […]
Thesis 1.7 is Installed and Running on Famous Bloggers
I didn’t expect that Thesis 1.7 final version is going to be ready so fast, I didn’t have enough time to play with the beta version, but anyways I have done some work depending on Thesis 1.7 and I was waiting for the right moment, when the final version released, and here it is, arrived […]
Deviant Theme from our Main Sponsor for Elegant Themes Lovers
It’s not weird anymore than Nick is keeping impressing us with his beautiful and Elegant Themes for WordPress, and this is not all guys, Nick is the number one on our Sponsors list, he is sponsoring our contests for the second time, and this is why I am thinking seriously to organize our Famous Commenter […]