With many of today’s financial institutions providing customers with the ability to bypass the bank entirely with online banking options, the days of paper checks are numbered. When was the last time you paid your monthly bills with checks? If you can remember a time in the last six months where you paid all of […]
5 Can’t-Deny Reasons Your Blog Should Accept Online Payments
Let’s be honest. People are surfing the information highway more and more these days. The 24/7/365 allure of Google, Bing, and other search engines allow people to have access to news, products, and services day and night. That also means people are purchasing goods and services all day and night. Just look at Amazon, eBay, […]
7 Tips to Help You Deal with Caustic Blogging Criticism
“Your blog design is terrible. You fill your page with 3rd party ads and the blog post was worthless.” – Google Plus User I thought, “What an a-hole.” I stung from this criticism. Really pissed me off. Then 1 day later I made the exact changes I needed to make in order to attract a […]
3 Simple Tips to Sell Your Blog for Maximum Profit
Building a reputed blog or website is a lot of work. Once you get decent traffic for your blog, the decision of selling it is harder. But if you have lost the interest on the niche or if you are looking for more funds to invest on other big projects or if you are looking […]
1 Way to Earn Truly Passive Income from Your Blog
I love blogging. I love writing. I love interacting with readers. I love researching topics I enjoy writing about. But, in order for me to continue the privilege of blogging for a living, I must earn money from my blogs … more than a few bucks a day from ads. After being a full time blogger […]
4 Crystal Clear Reasons Why People Do Not Trust You
Face it. People do not trust you. They run from you. They hide from you. They promise to join your network marketing team, then back out. Or they promise to buy your product, then never fork out the cash. This is a trust issue. Plain and simple. Believe it or not, it might be your […]