You are about to read my honest review of Thesis Theme framework. This is something I always wanted to do, and I really blame myself having not reviewed Thesis before now since I have been using it heavily on my blog. I also depend on it to run several other projects, especially here at […]
A Journal Log of My First $1000 Earnings
Don’t raise that eyebrow yet! I’m no online marketer and I promise you that you won’t end up clicking (or even seeing) a link that will lead you to an opt-in newsletter or six levels of overhyped sales funnels. No seriously. This is just me telling you how I got my first $1000. For real. […]
IM Graphics Plugin For Internet Marketers
Another cool WordPress plugin called IM Graphics Plugin by Andy Bailey the creator of CommentLuv, this plugin solve a huge problem that most of us are facing while building landing pages or sales pages, which is finding and adding graphics to pages. We all know that internet marketers are not designers, however there could be […]
How To Make Your Blog Ready For 2012
The blog you set up some time ago may well be looking a bit dated, so you need to consider how to make your blog look good by today’s standards. What do you need to do to make sure your blog looks up-to-date, fresh and modern? The appearance of your blog is arguably the thing […]
This is How a Web & Graphic Designer Will Review Your Blog
First of all, don’t box us out. Just because we don’t mainly ‘blog’ per se doesn’t mean we don’t have anything significant to say. Actually, we can tell you more interesting (and sometimes ever more brutal) insights about your blog and how to best develop it. Here’s how that’ll happen. RULE NO. 1: We don’t […]
How to Turn Your Blog into a Profitable Print Magazine
If you´ve been blogging for a while, and you´re making enough money as it is, it´s always healthy to look for new ways to expand your business. I had never thought about creating a magazine from my blog The Wander Life, until my friend Rosario, who had seen my blog blossom from a humble personal […]