There are many reasons why consumers use the Internet. About 83% of US consumers go online to research before they purchase a product or service. Users can be researching product features, prices, reviews, select products and services, placing an order, making payments, among other things. In most cases, whatever the reason for searching, users are […]
Building a Business Website
It’s fairly simple to create a basic business website, but creating a business website that will increase your revenues and create a tribe of enthusiastic followers involves a continued effort. One of the first questions you need to ask yourself – or be constantly asking yourself – would be about your market. Who is my […]
10 Reasons Why You Need A Blog
As you probably know, I’m a huge fan of blogging. I spend my entire work life either learning about it, writing blogs, developing blogs for businesses or checking out some of the best blogs out there…about blogging! Sometimes though, something happens that reminds me just how many people out there misunderstand the point behind blogging, […]
How (not) to Form an Online Partnership?
Forming an online business partnership can bring enormous benefits, but it is not without some obvious risks and downsides. Entering into a joint venture, either online or offline, shouldn’t be undertaken without some serious thought and consideration. It is important to weigh the pros and cons to determine whether or not this is the right thing for […]
5 Can’t-Deny Reasons Your Blog Should Accept Online Payments
Let’s be honest. People are surfing the information highway more and more these days. The 24/7/365 allure of Google, Bing, and other search engines allow people to have access to news, products, and services day and night. That also means people are purchasing goods and services all day and night. Just look at Amazon, eBay, […]
Have the New Blog Blues? 7 Business Principles That Make Blogging Easier
As a new-ish blogger, do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the things you’re supposed to learn and do in order to get things rolling? I mean there’s a ton of it, isn’t there? The experts tell us: Epic content is king, it’s all about guest posting, make sure your Facebook page is a priority, […]