One thing I’ve noticed about emails is that they tend to fall into two categories; they’re either advertisements and promotions, or valuable content that is informative, beneficial, and even providing enormous benefits to the reader. But there’s a few things that I see missing 99 times out of 100 in email marketing, and in marketing in general […]
The Game of Guest Blogging: Turning Your Pitch into a Home Run
Yes, guest blogging is a great opportunity. Yes, guest blogging is beneficial. You know what else guest blogging is? Popular. As the popularity of guest posting has increased, so have the emails requesting consideration. So how do you stand out as the MVB? It’s all in how you play the game. First things first, you […]
Why Your Blog Attracts an Audience of Crickets and How to Fix It
I know, I know, you are sick of hearing crickets serenading you with each successive blog post. I have been there. I must have written 500 posts before anybody knew who I was. I was a stranger, a loner, and a dingbat, honestly, because I refused to follow simple steps which make successful bloggers…well…successful. You […]
Why Bricks and Mortar Businesses Need Blogs Too
When a new client asks me what is the most important thing they can do to get more traffic to their website I always say, without hesitation: Blog! The reasons are many, but one important reason is the proliferation of Smartphone technology. Smartphones and mobile devices are outselling personal computers today. And, according to Pew […]
Promoting Your Blog Using Social Media
Social media marketing is a great way to promote your blog or your business. Many business owners and bloggers consider it a bit of a chore and a very time-consuming way to undertake marketing — it doesn’t necessarily bring fast results. Social media marketing tends to be something of a long game and it’s more […]
The New Blogger Habits that Can Hurt Blog Ranking
When you have a new blog, you need to do something for it. Yes, you need to increase your blog ranking so that you can get more organic traffic coming in. Additionally, if you are a new blogger, you should make sure not to make any mistakes that will keep your blog ranking in low […]