Promoting Your Blog Using Social Media

Social media marketing is a great way to promote your blog or your business. Many business owners and bloggers consider it a bit of a chore and a very time-consuming way to undertake marketing — it doesn’t necessarily bring fast results.
Social media marketing tends to be something of a long game and it’s more about communicating with your audience and interacting with them — it’s primarily about building a relationship with your blog followers.
Social media is not about selling, so pushy sales tactics are very much frowned upon — you will understand this if you write a blog. Blogging is similarly the wrong media to be giving people the ‘hard sell’ and it is more about communicating, so social media is a natural extension of blogging – actually Twitter is a good method of micro-blogging and if you get into the habit of posting on Twitter regularly it is a great way to extend your blog. You can effectively grab people’s attention with a micro-blog and direct them to your main blog for further information.
What should you post?
The best way to post on social media is to give little teasers that will get people to look at your main blog site. Use snippets of information from your previous or current blogs that will get people intrigued enough to want to know more. You could use questions that will be answered in your blog or a short statement such as, ‘If you want to know how to soothe your crying baby, there are lots of tips on my’.
Try to post something that will get people interacting with you — ask for their opinions and comments and try to get a dialogue going between your followers.
Don’t forget that your interaction is extremely important and you should reply to other people’s posts as soon as you can — even if it’s just to say thank you for their comments. When you interact with others in this way, you will be seen as a real person, not just a business or an entity that is trying to sell an idea, a product or service. Make your communication as genuine as possible.
Social media sites are a great platform for showcasing your expertise and demonstrating your credibility.
Whether people comment or not, they are being exposed to your ideas and this can help to make a connection and get people interested in finding out more from your blog. Use the opportunity to give advice, information and links to other people and organizations that can help to build up your reputation.
Don’t be afraid to discuss important or controversial issues and get people talking. Social media is a very fast way to get information out to a lot of people and you can use this to your advantage by telling your fans and followers about developments, issues and news before your competitors.
Find out what people need and what they want from your blog using social media — don’t be afraid to ask questions because once you know what your audience is looking for, you can provide it with your blog. It’s also a great way to reassure people and convince them that your blog is exactly what they’ve been searching for.
Keep an eye on the competition
The best way to get a feel for social media promoting is to see how others promote their blogs and businesses. Watch how others post on their Facebook fan page, Twitter and other social media sites and pay attention to the types of posts that get the most liked. Watch for comments from their fans as this will show you the type of thing that attracts attention. Notice which tweets are re-tweeted most frequently on Twitter and get a feel for the type of blogs and businesses that have the largest following then try to emulate what they are doing.
Where to post
There are many social media sites now and every day there seems to be a new one popping up, so where should you focus your attention? Millions of people every day use Facebook and Twitter, and these are a must.
You should also consider Google+ as this promises to be a popular site and is growing very rapidly. Here are some details about these main sites.
Facebook: this is considered the top site with over 850 million users, although with changes happening so quickly in social media, Facebook could be superseded by another site in the future. For the time being, it is the most popular and a great place to post information, photographs, video links and especially links to your blog.
Twitter: this is another growing site with over 200 million users. It’s a great site for micro-blogging and getting people onto your main blog with snippets of information.
Linkedin: Great for connecting with other businesses and professionals with over 150 million users.
You Tube: with around 300 million users, this is a great site for showing and sharing videos. They can be fun, educational or commercial and you can also post them on your blogs and social media sites. People are increasingly demanding videos and interactive media rather than plain boring text, so get filming!
Google+: one of the newer sites but already has around 65 million users. It’s been said that it attracts the more technical types but it looks set to become a very popular social media platform.
However there are plenty of other sites to consider, such as Pinterest for sharing pictures (10 million users), Stumbleupon for sharing interesting websites (20 million users) and Ecademy for business owners (17 million users). Here is a list of some of the more popular sites:
You Tube:
The main criteria is that you focus on sites that attract the type of people you want to read your blog. There wouldn’t be time to post on every social media site, so you have to be choosy and concentrate on the ones that are likely to be most productive for your blog or business.
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