Compare the default WordPress comment system with LiveFyre, IntenseDebate, Disqus and Facebook’s comment system. Read the full story: Fastest Blog Comment System
WordPress Website Maintenance Checklist
Just like computer maintenance, webmasters need to perform WordPress website maintenance in order to keep their blog or website running smoothly. Read the full story: Website Maintenance Checklist
4 Quick Tips for Better Facebook Marketing Strategy
Developing your facebook marketing strategy is important as having a strategy will make things easier for you and will help you get started correctly. Read the full story: facebook marketing strategy
You Have Original Content, is Having Original Images Just as Important?
Images are just as much a part of your post presentation as your blog post itself. As such, how much of an importance should you put on the optimization of your blog’s images and their levels of originality? Read the full story: Using Images in Blogs
A Definitive Guide To Landing Page Optimization
Landing page optimization can be one of the most effective ways to increase conversions. This guide reveals the optimization secrets the pros use. Read the full story: Landing Page Optimization
Survey: Who Uses Online Business Directories and Why?
Users of an established online directory were surveyed to understand why they use the site and who they are. Insights abound. Read the full story: Survey: Online business directory users