When it comes to creating an new ad campaign on Facebook, you can usually guess what demographics are going to work. Read the full story: Jumpstart Facebook Campaigns
How Internet Marketing will Evolve in 2012
Social media really changed our world, here are five top predictions for how Internet Marketing will evolve in 2012. Read the full story: Internet Marketing
Writing an eBook for your Newsletter
This post takes a look at the pros and cons of writing an eBook giveaway for building your email list as one techniques of increasing opt-ins. Read the full story: eBook writing
Social Marketing is ultimate in Permission Marketing
Permission Marketing puts the power in the consumer’s hands, send promotional messages only to consumers who have given marketers permission to do so. Read the full story: Permission Marketing
Top Brands Globally and in Canada
See the top global brands for 2011, 2010 and 2005. Interesting shifts and not! Plus top brands for Canada. Read the full story: Top Global & Canada Brands
How to Manage Your Social Media While Still Managing Your Business
Marketing can take up a lot of your time. In this article, learn six principles you can use to manage your social media time efficiently. Read the full story: Social Media management