MyBlogGuest Guest Post Publishing Contest Invites All Blog Owners!

Want to win $1,000 while promoting your blog and getting free content? It sounds like a pretty sweet deal, and it is just what you stand to gain thanks to My Blog Guest‘s publishing contest!
All you have to do is publish posts from MBG’s Articles Gallery, promote those posts through social media and the highest spread poster will win the cash prize.
But all of this is right alongside what everyone who participates gains: free content from high quality writers of your choice, exposure to your blog, comments and shares and an increase in traffic thanks to exposure from MBG itself.
How Do I Participate?
- Get yourself over to the Article Gallery and make it known that your blog is participating in the contest.
- Find a post (or more!) that you want to include on your site and make your bid to the writer. If they accept your publication offer you are halfway to the finish line.
- Publish the post(s) on your blog and leave a comment in this thread with the link(s).
- Share the post(s) on your social media profiles, and encourage others to do the same if they enjoy them.
- Get all this done before the contest ends on August 10th.
Rules & Regulations
- Your blog must have a Google PR of at least 2.
- All posts must have a Twitter and Facebook share icon.
- There is no requiring registration for comments; they must be open to anyone.
- All guest posts must come from the Article Gallery.
- You should make an effort to promote the writer, as well as the post.
- Any promotion must be done through sharing a link to the post. No bribing or begging for votes!
- No buying social media clicks.
- No buying comments.
- No offering to share prizes if others help you win.
- No changing the publication date on a post to enter it into the contest.
Winners of the contest get the $1,000, based on the comments, shares and promotion resulting. But everyone who participates gets the benefit of free content and exposure, so be sure to enter!
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