Monthly Report – October 2011

Last October was the best month ever, I’ve done a record with my online business earnings, things went great, and I diffenately was blessed, I say this because my Lady Mother spent the whole month with me, she had to fly back to Egypt at the end of October, I must say that those were my best days ever in the States. October was an extremely busy month, and I was having a lots of work to do plus managing the blog, but this didn’t stop me from spending great time with family. It’s also a great feeling to fly whenever you want, I actually spent an awesome weekend in Philadelphia, New Jersey and finally New York.
I made big earnings compared to the last months, and I spent almost all the money here and there, buying stuff and not thinking about tomorrow for the first time 🙂
And, here I am sharing my October monthly report as I’ve promised you last month in my September monthly report, also here is a link to my my first report ever, this means the report you are reading now is my third report this year.
The good thing is I am able to enhance thes income reports as we go, hopefully more useful and inspiring for you.
Just to remind you why I am doing this, it’s because many of my blog readers asked me about my blog earnings, and they wanted to know how much I earn online, so I thought to share it all on the blog. However, It wasn’t an easy decision, I won’t regret it if these reports adds value for you.
The most important things going on right now!
Before I start, I would like to give you a hint about the most important stuff going on FamousBloggers between August and September.
1- Ask the Experts
This is something pretty new here at FB. I was inspired by Nick Stamoulis when he offered to answer our reader’s SEO questions. And, right after that I got in touch with Ann Smarty, she did an awesome Guest Blogging Q&A, check it out!
These are pretty nice and useful ideas for blog posts, I am going to do more of it here on the blog, I also can allow our readers to recommend the guest and the topic, so you can choose (who and what). This could be a great source of information, and also a lot of fun 🙂
It’s simple, we published a post to get questions, we close comments after one week, then our guest answer these questions in a new blog post. If you would like to be featured on FamousBloggers, and if you can answer our reader’s questions in a specific topic, get in touch with me.
I’ve created a special category to list these posts, it’s called “the Experts“, I am going to list all the coming Q&As in it for your future reference.
2- Best Selling Affiliate Products contest
The other thing that I want to highlight is the extending of the blog contest to November.
So, the entries submission is still open, and will be closed at the end of November 2011. This contest has $2000 in cash prizes from our sponsors, so make sure not to miss it!
Check the progress of our → Blogging Contest
[box type=”note”]Before we get into business, I just want to inform you that these numbers demonstrate my online business income as a whole, so this is not income, this is my whole income and expenses.[/box]
Let’s get into business
Here is a list of my income resources from October 2011:
Check the Income Reports Page and Graph
My Thesis Skins Business has been my main stream of income since the last 9 months with more than $20.000 of income so far, you can say that this website can draw a smile on my face every morning; it’s so sweet to wake up and find out that you’ve made a few sales while sleeping.
- Sales: $3,528.00 (before affiliate commissions)
- Paid Commissions: $794.70
- Profits: 2,733.30
I was planning to move the affiliate program to because I want to organize the affiliate payouts to be on time without having to worry about it. I know it’s kinda expensive to join such network now, but still paying $650 to get a better service for your business and members is not a bad deal, but I decided to ask my members first, I didn’t want to surprise them with something that they maybe won’t like, and finally I made a decision, I will not make the move now as most of member’s feedback was against the move, the main reason was SAS late payouts, they prefer the in house application because I handle payouts more faster, anyways.. members wins!
If you are up to affiliate marketing and you like to promote Thesis Theme, then we maybe can work together, why not join the awesome affiliate program, let’s start earning money.
Affiliate Earnings
- DIYthemes: $79.53
- Scribe SEO: $40.92
- OptimizePress: $1,368.00
- ElegantThemes: $122.50
- Popup Domination: $67.02
- Keyword Winner: $16.43
- Traffic Travis: $0.00
- Backlink Profit Monster: $43.81
- TweetAdder: $270.70
- The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing: $20.00
- HootSuite: $65.89
- Aweber: $40.80
- CommentLuv+: $130.00
- Total: $2,265.60
Paid Reviews
- Direct: $275
- Total: $275
Advertisements Earnings
- BuySellAds: $462.65
- Google AdSense: $130.36 (all my blogs)
- InLinks: $29.6
- LinkWorth: $94.50
- AdvertiseSpace : $21.00
- Direct Ads: $415
- Total: $1,153.55
Design & Development Freelancing
- Genesis Theme Customization: $1000
- Total: $1000
Gross Total in September: $8,199.71
Gross Total from last month: $6,679.89
Difference → +$1,519.82
Expenses: $1299.77
Expenses from last month: $1,256.53
Difference → +$43.24
As you you can see from the numbers above, my business expenses went higher with $43.24, while I earned an extra $1519.82 more than the last month.
These stats helps me to realize what I am doing, and what to focus on, I don’t see that expenses is high this month or anything because I haven’t really spent anything unusual on the business rather than buying the BlogEngage Business Plus package, I think it has a great value for the price, you should check it out!
Net Total in September : $6,899.94
[box type=”note”]The number you see above reflect my online business profit. Also, these are not the exact numbers, it could be lower or higher with a few dollars (for example: I didn’t pay attention to PayPal fees)[/box]
Alright, you’ve got it all, my income, my expenses and my net total profit. My total income increased by $1519.82 this month, this is pretty awesome, I hope to reach the $10,000 monthly next year.
You can see how much I earn live on my → income report page.
I was having big doubts about October earnings, I thought I won’t make it, but as I’ve told you before, I now feel that I was blessed!
Thanks for reading, wish me good luck, and I hope this month’s report will inspire you.
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