Secrets of a Killer Blog Post: Content [Infographic]

When you want to maximize the number of visitors that stop by your website the thing you really need to focus on is creating killer blog posts. One huge element of that is of course the content. How many times have we all heard that ‘content is king’. It might sound like a cliché, but it is certainly true! Really great blog content has the power to engage your audience and convert curious passers by into regular readers and paying customers.
How Can I Create That Killer Content?
One thing that many business bloggers do not realise is that they do not need to be a fantastic author in order to create great blog posts. What your audience is looking for is a genuine and engaging post. You are an expert when it comes to your business, so share your knowledge with the world! In the majority of cases, your audience will prefer to hear about your personal experiences relating to your niche instead of a long and overly wordy technical report! In fact, this infographic from (Source) breaks it down into four pillars which make your content great :
- It should be useful! (Are you imparting knowledge or a solution to a problem?)
- It should be approachable! (Take a conversational tone and make your post inviting)
- Make it scannable! (Internet users are lazy – break it up with bullets and headers and readers will be more likely to read it than if you present a chunk of text!)
- Keep It Simple! – (A US Navy engineer coined the phrase ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid!’ or K.I.S.S. Back in the 1960’s and it is still true today. Keep to the point and don’t use long words and technical terms unless you have to – write for the everyman!
The infographic also offers lots of other tips on using both original and curated content to create killer blog posts that your audience will love.