Write a Killer Blog Post by Doing Your Homework!

You know you can write great content, but why aren’t your blog posts as popular as you think they should be? There are a few secrets to writing killer blog posts, as the infographic below created by WhoIsHostingThis will show.
Your blog post is only as good as your sources, so make sure you do more than just a quick Google search before you write your post. If you want to stand out in the blogosphere, you need to know how and where to find terrific sources.
You can research for content, even if you are just sharing your opinion, since you can use an expert’s statement to back up your own thoughts or refer to others with differing opinions to make your own argument. You can also check social media sites, like StumbleUpon, Delicious, and Reddit, to find useful inspiration, quotes, and even statistics or news sources.
Make sure, though, that you cite your sources and follow copyright law! You should quote the person in your post, including a hyperlink back to their site. If you want credible sources to share your post, consider ego-baiting that source—this provides the opportunity for these experts mentioned in the post to link back to your post, thus exposing you to their readers!