Best Practice of Keyword Researching

Internet is the marketing platform where simply with the right application of keywords you can do wonders to your business. “Keyword Research” plays a vital importance in search engine results. With the application of wrong keywords you are not only wasting your money spent on making brand image via advertising, but also wasting your valuable time as well as money targeting top ranking in Google search results. Many people have many beliefs about the keywords.
One of the most common beliefs about conducting keyword research is- “You know with what terms the customer is going to find you out”. Actually, this is totally a wrong belief, you only know what your business is; what your site is about, you can easily find it, but what about the online paying customers; how do they come to know about you.
Remember, you can use those keywords appropriate from the point of industry, but for targeting online customers such keywords will not work. You have to point out the keywords appropriate from the point of searchers and search engines too.
[box type=”info”]For example: You have a business of enhancing online security and you probably must be applying the keywords “build your customer confidence” or “SSL certificate.” rather it should be “Online Security”. Here, the point of concern is you are aware that your business is to provide security with SSL certificate, but what about the general public who don’t know what SSL is. Such keywords will only waste your time as well as your months of effort.[/box]
With the right and appropriate keywords, you can have a visual appearance in your online customer’s eye. Yes, this is what SEO is.
Google search analytics are not known by anyone, but current procedure of analyzing the Keyword Research is working effectively. The first step towards keyword selection is a bit intimidating; figuring out the perfect combination of keywords to call great traffic to your website.
Discover all the keywords
First, try to track all the potential keywords. Analyze all the keywords which you feel your customer will type in its search box when trying to find you. “Stress on words which are relevant, but not excessively used”.
You can also take the help of your friends, colleagues, family for their ideas. It is the truth that not everyone will see your website with the same eyes as you. Everyone has their own thinking and own perspective, so it would be of great help for you. Also, you can have them by competitive research.
Keyword Research tool
Many online keyword research tools are available in the online market like, Wordtracker, WordStream, Google AdWords Keyword tool, etc
Analyze your keyword list by putting it into the keyword research tool, you can quickly get an idea how many searches are conducted on that particular word. It is recommended that you never go with highly searched keywords as it will only bring a lot of challenging competition. Medium and less competitive keywords are to be used at the initial stage. Highly competitive keywords can be used sometimes at long intervals.
An important thing while considering keyword research is to check the potential keyword as per the geographical area of your business. For example, if your business is in Delhi then go for the keywords that will be highly searched according to Delhi.
Remember, from keyword research tools you are not only going to know about the number of searches, but also how competitive the phrase is in terms of ranking.
Finalize your keyword list
A combination of both broad as well targeted keywords should be used. You need to target them wisely. Broad terms are the generic terms that directly describe your business. So they are important. Targeted terms are specific and have the potential to bring traffic. So they are also important.
Content is not only the place where it is necessary to put the keywords, but also they are used at other places on your website, like:
- Title Tag
- Meta Description Tag
- Headings
- Navigational Links
I hope this post benefit you.
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