Internet Marketing and SEO Roundup

Some times we need to just do it! So I’ve decided to go ahead and start a random Internet Marketing and SEO roundup this week to be continued and developed latter on time, this is something I wished to do long time ago, but due to lack of time I just couldn’t do it!
So, I am going to share wish you some great read that I’ve came across, not necessarily new and fresh articles, but great content that deserves to be shared. I hope you will find it useful.
1- You really Don’t Want to Outsource your Content Overseas
Some people won’t think about giving small jobs to others in the same niche or those who can do it, they will think it’s better to do by themselves and save some money!
This is valid –and make sense-only if you can handle the jobs y yourself, but once you know the game, your business will grow, and you won’t be able to do all the required tasks anymore as you will have a lot on your plate, you will start thinking of outsourcing (you actually should outsource SEO).
Nick Stamoulis has a good advice, especially when it comes to marketing for a local business, you really don’t want to outsource your content overseas.
P.S. Just if you missed it, Nick did one great SEO Q&A for us, check it out!
2- Authorship in Google Results to Include Comments
I’ve done some development to the blog a few weeks ago towards implementing authorship markup, however the authors profile picture appears in the search results for a few days, then for some reason it disappeared again -I have no clue why- and won’t display!
I’ve found some useful tips and news at (highly recommend blog) about Authorship in Google Results to Include Comments, Expanded Circles Features.
There are couple of videos by Google that you should watch if you are looking for enhancing your blog’s performance in Google Search.
3- Optimize 7 Popular Social Media Profiles for SEO
From the bad ass SEO contest, I picked this particular post by Kristi Hines because it has many useful information, tips and advice on optimizing social profiles, and it diffenately will help you brand and SEO efforts!
Make sure to read it and start optimizing your social media profiles for SEO.
4- Discover The Brand New Buffer For Android
I bet you know about Buffer App, if not then .. Let me tell you by a quote below 🙂
Being consistent on Twitter is one of the hardest parts of social media marketing to achieve, I’ve found. In order to accomplish it, some swap to full automation software. Instead of that, let me introduce you to a new App which will keep you well on the genuine side of things AND increase your efficiency and your time management on Twitter. By Leo Widrich
Leo (Co founder of Buffer App) actually did fantastic guest posts about it. Make sure to read them!
The cool thing is now you can buffer tweets from your Android device while browsing the web, this is just amazing, great news!
Oh, by the way, I’ve just nominated Buffer App in the 5th annual Mashable Awards → “Breakout Startup of the Year”, these guys are great hard workers, so I hope you will nominate them!
5- Find CommentLuv Premium Blogs using the Search Engine
CommetLuv Premium has started a brand new Google based search engine for it’s members, now all what you need to do to find CommentLuv+ powered blogs is to use the new CommentLuv Premium Search Engine, this is a very nice addition to the Premium stuff that comes all the time from Andy the author and founder of
Note that your blog will be listed automatecally into the CommentLuv Premium Search Engine once you purchase and install CommentLuv+ on your blog, this will increase the visibility and find-ability of your blog indeed.
Some quick news for you:
- BlogcastFM has new Sponsor and Strategic Partner Livefyre: (Listen to podcast and know how to win a free Kindle Fire)
- 3 Top Excuses For Not Developing An International Business (by Cindy King)
- Good Guys Go for Ethical Email Marketing (are you in?)
- Does job security actually exist? (by Mo)
- Kristi Hines has a fresh start! (what do you have?)
- Blog Advertising and Sponsoring (Annabel Candy’s Personal Story)
- What If? (some nice read by Farnoosh)
[box type=”note”]We are extending our Blogging Contest to November! Make sure to check it out![/box]
I hope you enjoy this roundup! If you would like to be featured in our next roundups, then keep visiting the blog, add comments and show your best topics using the CommentLuv+ link!
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