Unveiling the Google+1 Button!

The only thing that the world-beater of the web-world, Google, was lacking in its otherwise glittering online repository was a serious poke at social media marketing. The fans were desperate and the wait was just a formality.
Now, Google has launched their much awaited Google+1 button that emulates the purpose that was so religiously served by the “Like” button of almost every social media networking website for quite some time now. Available in more than 40 international languages, the Google+1 button would allow you to share your most cherished and preferred content on the websites by simply clicking a ‘+1’ button on your web browser.
Just like Facebook or any other such website, you would have to sign in to your Google account to +1 something that you want to share with your friends and colleagues. The Google+1 button can be used after installing the relevant extension from the Google Extensions database.
Google+1 on your favorite web browser
Finding the Google+1 on your favorite web browser (Google Chrome) is fairly simple. Most web users are already quite feverishly used to finding the Facebook’s “Like” button on a particular webpage as soon as we come across something that is worth sharing.
Similarly, the Google+1 button is also meant to function in the same manner. Once you install the Google+1 extension for your web browser, all you need to do is just enable the Google+1 recommendation option. This would automatically activate the button on any pages you visit, and the next time you find something interesting, unique and sharable, just press the Google+1 button and kaboom!
You are done!
Upon liking
Upon liking a particular link, picture, video or any online content for that matter, your Google+1 button displays a message that should look something like “ABC likes this on XYZ website ”.
Web maniacs refer to this liking/recommending any particular content through Google+1 button as activity as doing the plus ones “+1’s” (or Likes as in the case of Facebook). Anytime you want to disable all such activities and 1’s from being displayed on the visited websites, you could always revert to your Google Accounts page and simply select the “Disable” option.
From the Search Engine Optimization point of view, it is relatively premature to place stout claims about its collaboration with the most sought after scalding web-based procedure at the moment, because this latest phenomenon from Google is still under the testing stages.
Only time will tell whether the Google+1 button can make a solid impression in the realms of SEO or if it will be perceived as just another web browser extension for leisurely purposes.
For the time being, one thing is quite obvious – based on the assessments of its own +1’s from different users, Google would be helped to a great extent in diverting the webpages of various criterion to the search queries of certain web surfers. This would also help the concerned authorities to gauge the precise relevance, ranking and liking of a particular webpage, blog or forum in compliance with the Google 1’s application and user preferences.
So, no more “Like-ing” from now on…… Instead start ‘+1-ing’ it today!
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