The BlogoGalaxy of Famous Bloggers on Flickr

Dear friends and members of Famous Bloggers Club, here we are all together again. Regarding to our cooperation on the blogosphere and the blogogalaxy, I have spend a few hours uploading our members photos to Flickr to share it with all of you, I also added a short description and a few tags for each photo hopefully the search engines will catch it one day, and now it’s so easy for me to create slide shows for our members and post it anywhere on the internet!
Maybe you notice that there is some differences between photos in the size, some of the photos are smaller than the rest, this probably happen because I was on this time tweaking and the blog theme, and then picked ElegantTheme eNews theme, it looks great and just like the way I would love our interviews to show, specially the content slide with a nice photos of our members, I am going to fix some of the small photos in future to match the others, it’s just a matter of finding enough time to do it.
Someone is Missing?!
Also, you may notice that a few members are messing from the set, simply because they didn’t send me their own photo, they preferred to use the logo of their blog, so.. I just couldn’t add those logos to the set because we are talking here about “Famous Bloggers on Flickr”! And that means who ever visit this set of images is expecting to see a photo of the person or a Famous Blogger’s photo. I say here that you still can send me your photo and I will add it to the set.
What’s the Benefit of Flickr?!
I think that getting links to and from is one good thing to get potential search engine benefits for our blogs and make more findable on the internet, I am showing now a sidebar widget on our New Media Bloggers blog, which displays random photos of our members.
Flickr also has its own online community, feel free to check our FamousBloggers Group on Flickr. Join and add me as a friend or a contact.
This is the first time I use Flickr, So plz, feel free to check out our club members set, and tell me what you think about it, and how we can make more use of it, I also recommend that you use it on one or two of your coming posts.
By the way!
I am expecting more participant of our contest as the time is running more faster now, and you only have a few days left to participate and submit your great articles to our Best of the Best Famous Bloggers Contest, check our contests articles here, and give me your best shoot, it’s your chance the win one of our great $1200 worth prizes.
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