After All this Marketing Hype, Facebook Came with Skype!

Today, Facebook reviled the hidden secrets, Facebook pronounced the new video chat product which is powered by Skype. Ha?!
Facebook growth is incredibly insane that they can not handle it anymore, what I think is Facebook was not built or designed to grow rabidly this way and contain everything under it’s shoulders, I really don’t get it! What’s the big deal about this new feature? What’s the big deal in having the ability to contact 1000s of people on Facebook using Skype?
Well.. Facebook just gave Google another reason to even laugh louder since the Google Plus social network was launched, at least now we know that we can video call our friends on Skype right from Facebook.. WOW!
How we can call this? Facebook Skype your friends?!
Yes.. Now you can Facebook Skype your friends anywhere in the world!
I don’t know, but I don’t feel comfortable with this, I am afraid it will hurt my privacy! Seriously!
For the last two weeks, every time I login to Facebook I find his face popping on the right side, I had a feeling that Zuckerberg is gonna respond to Google Plus threats, but after all this, and all the marketing hype, Facebook comes out with a partnership with Skype!
Facebook, is that it? What a major disappointment! Well.. Maybe it’s only me!
Please, let me know what you think about having Skype in your Facebook account, share your thoughts!
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