Engaging Fans over Facebook – Some Simple to do Tips

Many people are desperate to get thousands of likes over Facebook. Importance of fans and their need for engagement is completely underestimated. Finally, fans that have been accumulated or purchased seem to be ignorant about your product.
In this post I shall provide you with some insights on engaging your fans and to squeeze out the most benefit from your Facebook Fan Page.
Do not purchase Fans
Avoid purchasing fans at any cost. Even if you are sold fans at the most cheapest price ignore the deal as the purchasing of fans will prove futile. Purchased fans are responsible, in most of the cases, for not engaging over fan pages. One of the proven facts is that purchased fans are a sham. Fake account’s function is to like a page after which it undergoes hibernation.
Contents which get engaged
Not all posts are commented upon and shared by your fans. But you will notice that some contents are shared and commented in huge numbers while others are just ignored. Watch the theme of the contents that are shared and commented the most as you will need them to engage your fans now and again, do not fret if some of your contents are ignored.
Just remember it’s hard to please everyone. Placing contents that engage readers once in a while should be enough.
Talk to your fans
Fan pages should not be just a heap of links to blogs or website. Though you are trying to gain readers for your content do not forget to have a personal talk. If your fan page is related to health and fitness then ask a question related to it. Post a picture of your sculpted ab and tell them how you did it. Encourage your fans to come up by asking few questions.
Throw a contest on Facebook
Everyone is attracted to a contest. Some of the most successful firms throw in a contest once in every month while some others come up every week. At least two winners must be chosen with a reasonable prize. When the winner of the contest is announced over fan pages it will not only attract more contestants but will increase your fan base.
Time of posting contents on Facebook
Unless you have a fan base from only a single territory you need to fix on a time for posting your contents. Again, this is possible through analyzing the previous content posted over your fan page.
For at least a week, post various contents at various time zones and analyze as to which attracts the most attention. You will find that a certain time zone has more engagement than the other. Use this time zone to post the most important content from your site.
Facebook Fan Page Design
Finally we come to the design part. The design of your fan page should be alluring making your fans explore your fan page. Use various programming languages to build an attractive fan base as impressing your fans can go a long way.
Apart from the above tips, an extra boost might be necessary. Here are some tips to enhance your fan base:
- When posting personal questions over your fan page reduce the use of smiley/emoticons.
- Do not post one line message.
- Give your fans the content which will be of importance to them.
- Don’t be too hard with your vocabulary. Remember your fans are looking for information not for how good you are at vocabulary.
- Treat your fans as real customers.
Image © ra2 studio – Fotolia.com
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