Do Bloggers Need a Business Card?

Whether or not a blogger should have a business card has a been a topic of debate in recent years. It probably really depends on how seriously you take yourself as a blogger. If you treat your blog as a business, then more than likely, you no doubt have a business card. Because, what business doesn’t have business cards?
Think of it like this- your blog or website is like a business card/resume/portfolio for the Interwebs. When you finally meet other bloggers or potential clients, what do you give them besides a friendly handshake and your sparkling personality?
The business card is the single most powerful single business tool- dollar for dollar- you can invest in. – Dr Ivan Misner, Networking Expert
If your blog is the gateway to increasing more income, be it passive or non-passive, any way you can get the word out is essential. The origin of the business card can be traced all the way back to 15th century China. Of course it has evolved over the years to the designs that we have now. I think it’s a safe bet that business cards will be around for a little while longer.
Now I’ll admit!
I’ve been blogging on the Smart Income Blog for over a year, and on my personal geek blog, The Uncanny Kevin Douglas, for over two years and I just purchased business cards for SIB. I personally use MOO Cards. They’re awesome and have different designs and styles that will make you a happy camper. They made me happy!
I figure that now I’m taking blogging more seriously, having a business card is definitely a worthy investment.
You should, too!
If you’re going to be going to any upcoming events, like BlogWorld Expo, blogger meetups, etc.- you need to have a business card.
Get the most out of your business cards as a blogger:
- Add a personalized message to your card. People love to feel they belong to an exclusive group. Nothing screams exclusivity more than a personalized message to new people you meet. Add a link to your card that goes to a direct page on your website. Offer a discount or other exclusive offer to your page. Your new contact will be impressed and it could spark a future business relationship.
- Sell yourself. Nobody is going to be able to talk better about you THAN you. Your card should reflect things you do and will do. Don’t jumble your card with useless buzzwords most people don’t understand in your industry. Link your card to a resource page of your best posts. You’ll be glad you did.
- Don’t Be Cheap- Quality Over Frugality. In an effort to be frugal (translation:cheap), people will usually go for the the lowest priced paper stock for business cards. Don’t do this! Your business card is your first impression and how people will remember you. If you give a potential client a crappy business card, they’re going to think your services are crappy, as well. If you need to be frugal about giving out your card, be more selective of who you give your card to. Everybody doesn’t need to have it. Think of giving your card away like giving out your home or cell phone number. You want only the people you have a rapport or relationship to have your number. The same characteristics apply to your business card.
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