Deeper Writing: How to Become an Inspiring Blogger

You have a blog, and you love writing. They say that content is king, so you’re constantly trying to think up the best topics in order to write well. That way, you can get traffic to your blog, get subscribers and eventually get conversions right?
But for some reason, you aren’t experiencing the success you crave so much for yet.
You ARE doing what you should be doing. You’ve consulted the best bloggers out there. You’ve read the best e-books on blogging and gone through several courses on writing.
And yet, you can’t seem to grasp what is that “one thing” the top bloggers are doing. What makes it more frustrating is that, you know you’re a good writer!
Does this seem then, that you’re not fated to have the luck of these A-list bloggers?
Your writing isn’t good enough… yet
That’s what you may be thinking at least. And yet, that’s the harsh truth when it comes to blogging.
Content is king, so it boils down to your writing.
If your writing isn’t good enough yet, you may not have reached that level of deepness in writing which the top bloggers have. Your writing has yet to hit the hot spots of people, stirring their emotions and making them think about what you’ve written all day. Your writing has yet to inspire, to change lives.
Getting complacent with social media
Ironic as it may sound, the tools which are there to help you in blogging may be actually hindering your progress. Social media and other aspects of blogging in the online world may be making you think that you’re doing a fine job, but is fine actually enough?
Let me break it down for you. I bet it will ring a bell or two:
Facebook shares and likes: People click like and share your articles. It’s all good, but a like does not mean the reader is very inspired by your writing. It’s very easy to click like and share, for whatever reason.
Random, short compliments: Do you get compliments like, “LOL!” or “Hey this is not bad” in your comments section? Okay they like your article, but then what? You shouldn’t stop there, because a comments section should be a place of active discussion.
Going “viral”: Maybe you’ve hit a big traffic spike with a good piece of content. More traffic the better right? But is the traffic even converting well? Are people opting in?
Social media could be making you complacent, so that you think you’re a good writer, and you have just got to wait for success. After all, writing is subjective and success takes time.
You can however, push yourself to be a better writer. Allow yourself to improve, and allow your writing to evolve.
Write for deep impact and aim to be an inspiring blogger, and people will recognize you for that.
How to be an inspiring blogger
1) Create original content
Pure, 100% original. That may be a little hard considering the many blogs out there, but when you aim to write something just on your own, you’d be surprised at what you can come up with. People will be able to recognize the effort and passion you put in your writing. Try it out.
2) Don’t just let the video or picture do the talking
All too often I find that many bloggers think it’s enough to create an entry just by showing a video or picture they found. They then think they’re doing a favour to their readers.
Go one step ahead and provide your own insight to the video or picture. Be original about it too. Your readers will feel inspired and enlightened to find out what they might have missed.
3) Add your personality in your writing
This is a very common tip to be a good blogger.
Let me expand on that. Readers want to catch a glimpse of your life. After all, your readers are humans, as are you. People relate to one another through their lives and unique experiences.
Share your feelings not just on topics, but about yourself. Go one step further, and make yourself vulnerable too. Talk about your struggles and what you have done to overcome them. People like that.
It’s all this which brings out the power of authenticity in you, and readers can relate to that.
4) Aim to solve problems and help others, with your own experience
Write to help and solve specific problems for readers. Don’t just give cliché advice which people can find anywhere.
Add in your own experience. Tell them what you did, how you did it and how it made you feel. People will be able to relate better. That’s a step above cliché.
5) keep giving your readers something to think about
You aren’t a news reporter. So don’t just comment or showcase a piece of news you found. Add in your own twist. You don’t need to be controversial, but give your own insights and be original. Ask your readers questions. Say something you feel strongly about and tell them why.
Getting out your essence
There is tons of information online about blogging. There are also many bloggers out there teaching you different things about writing.
A little bit of guidance is always good, but don’t underestimate yourself. Your thoughts, feelings and your life’s experience can already make you a standout blogger.
You just need to get it out there.
The essence of yourself, is the source of inspiration. Write as if you’re talking to someone and never be afraid to be yourself, anywhere for that matter.
Once you get it right, people will definitely recognize you for it. Your writing will start to shine and that’s when your blog will stand out.
Image © reich –
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