Lawmacs is the Famous Commenter of December 2009

What a busy month! After looking into the top commentators on Famous Bloggers blog on the whole month report, and it was a very hard decision, I really have no idea why people make it that hard for me to decide a winner?!
Anyways.. I have decided that the prize will go to Lawmacs for several reasons regarding to my personal evaluation as I am the person who is sponsoring and organizing this contest, so congratulations to my friend Lawmacs, and I wish good luck to our commentators next month.
I want to say to Lawmacs, you have done a great work and promotion to our blog, and you have exceeded our expectations!, I am sure that you will enjoy the $30 via PayPal, but not so sure how you will use your Elegant Theme membership while you don’t have a self hosted WordPress blog 😉 maybe this will end to give a birth to a new blog one day!
I will be contacting you in the coming days to deliver your prizes!
Our new contest is going to be much better
This is an official deceleration that we are running the same contest on January 2010, but I want to tell you a very important note, plz keep our comments section clean and useful, I will pay more attention to what you say in the comments, and I will kill comments that hurts or take the conversation to different path! I recommend you to read this post from our Club members Rose, she has an invitation for all of us to Stop the Drama on the Blogosphere!
To everybody on the Blogosphere!
You don’t have to tell us that you want to participate on the coming contest or anything, we will pick you as a winner if you are a regular visitor of our website and you are adding value to our comment section, no one will be promoted because “thank you so much” and “plz, call me” type of comments!
Happy New year to everybody, enjoy your new year!
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